Join us at the Blockchain & Bitcoin conference @ Malta

Health Monitor ICO
Published in
3 min readNov 29, 2017

The Health Monitor team will be in Malta on 7h December to showcase the company device in front to blockchain and bitcoin experts (including investors and local politics). This is a great opportunity to introduce our diabete/ulcer/lung cancer diagnosis tool to the crowd and let people experience the potentials. We are very confident to impress the 300 people expected at the conference: participating to a fair is a big investment but we are aware of potentials and getting ready to talk about our amazing project.

Where we are and where we plan to go has just completed an ICO presale with mixed results: despite the troubled times for Alt coins, we were able to raise more than $70K from several investors. This sum was around $20k below our target and this was the downside. Are we disappointed? Well, missing a financial target is always something bad: the risk to lose team and stakeholders confidence is always high. That said, our confidence in the project is not changed. Our presale was mostly a testing round and we were aware of risks. But we wanted to learn fast and nothing helps unless practice. We had the chance to test which are the most effective communication channels and some of our hypothesis had to be changed.

Why Malta

Our company is based in the Czech Republic and we aim to locate our first machines in the EU: Malta perfectly matches our strategy. It’s a small country in Southern Europe with a vibrant startup ecosystem and an experienced tech-focused investors base. Because one thing is clear to us: investing in tokens is not for everybody and require investors who can properly evaluate risks and make wise decisions. Micro investors, typically sending 0.1–1 ETH are not our target since they tend to miss the basis to invest in a long term/dividends based token like ours.

Just about investors?

Are we going there only to (possibly) sign deals? Of course not! Funding our company is a base condition to implement our strategy but there is only one thing who can make us stronger and it’s building a solid community. If you take a moment and look at the fair’s participants you will find a lots of experts from different fields, including: law, finance, tech and politics. In our view, for the success of our project, we need to extend our reach in all those directions. We have already started to engage with the conference’s speakers and feedbacks are just impressive. It’s incredible how much information/advice you can obtain just by ASKING!

Can't make at the conference?

If you plan to visit the fair you will find us at stand a1/a2: drop us a visit and we will be glad to talk with you (and to let you test our machine). If you can’t, follow us. We will be releasing videos and articles during and after the fair.



Health Monitor ICO

The world’s first device for non-invasive diagnostics of diabetes, stomach ulcer and lung cancer. Now running ICO