Monitoring of bronchial asthma is one of the possible ways to use Health Monitor device.

Published in
5 min readDec 10, 2017
Cabin-gas analyzer, precursor of Health Monitor

The morbidity curve of bronchial asthma began to rise sharply from the second half of the 20th century. Number of people living with this diagnosis has grown most significantly in the industrialized countries and regions of our planet.

Thanks to the achievements of medicine the disease has ceased to be deadly, it can be controlled and to contained. But in order to achieve the maximum effectiveness of the measures, a current monitoring of the state of the respiratory function is necessary. An effective solution to this problem is the Health Monitor.

Asthma is a global scale problem

There are prerequisites to consider that according to the number of sick people, asthma is ahead even of diabetes in all its types. The disease does not make exceptions for anyone, does not depend on age, gender or race.

It is considered the most common chronic disease in the human population: according to some reports, asthma symptoms occur in every tenth inhabitant of the planet.

Taking into account the magnitude of the problem, it is very difficult to assess the macroeconomic damage caused by bronchial asthma.

Some studies have been conducted in the countries of the European Union, the results of which have shown that the organization of adequate medical control over the course of the disease costs 9 times cheaper than helping patients with uncontrolled bronchial asthma.

Indeed, it is much more expedient to notice the first signs of deterioration in the breathing function and take immediate action than to remove the patient from the state of asthmatic status.

What caused high morbidity?

Currently, doctors do not believe that the disease has only an allergic nature. More preference is given to the theory of multipotency of bronchial asthma.

It is proven that heterogeneous factors lead to its development in an individual person:

• An unfavorable ecological situation is responsible for 3–6% of new cases.

• Occupational hazards — welding, chemical and pharmaceutical industry, mines, quarries and so on.

• Unbalanced diet. Fast-releasing carbs, the abuse of fats and animal products slightly increase the risk of getting sick.

• Widespread use of household chemicals — washing powders, detergents and cleaners.

• Neglect of a healthy lifestyle.

• Inhalation of chemical aerosols — vaping.

• Genetic predisposition. But the exclusion of other provoking factors allows to avoid the disease even at high hereditary risks.

Smoking of tobacco has a pernicious effect on the bronchopulmonary system, but do not cause the fluctuation of IgG — triggers of attack.

What countermeasures are being taken?

People with this diagnosis have to limit themselves in some things and there is also a parallel with the correction of lifestyle in diabetes.

In 1993 the Global Strategy for the Treatment and Prevention of Bronchial Asthma (GINA) was first introduced, the recommendations of which help to keep the health state under control and are regularly updated.

According to the findings, it is proposed:

• Refuse to keep pets at home.

• Quit smoking, avoid situations with passive smoking.

• Remove strongly smelling soaps, shampoos, air flavors.

• Carry out rugs, carpets.

• Use covers on mattresses.

• Ventilate rooms and often go to the sun.

• Take regular medication prescribed by your doctor.

But the most important thing that is prescribed in the recommendations is the need to monitor the condition of your bronchial tree. If asthma is controlled, changes in the bronchi are significantly slowed down or even stopped.

When control measures are not taken, the bronchi thickens, the secretion of their glands is broken. Attacks become more frequent, acquiring a protracted and dangerous character.

Methods of monitoring

To establish the diagnosis of bronchial asthma a thorough and multifaceted examination is required. The main role is given to methods for assessing the degree of obstruction of the bronchial tree, microscopic examination of sputum and so on.

But after the diagnosis is established people need a way of monitoring bronchial asthma: effective, reliable and not requiring special conditions or special skills. These requirements are fully met by gas analysis of the exhaled air.

High-precision spectrum analyzer Health Monitor allows you to identify the smallest admixtures of volatile substances. With regard to bronchial asthma, the pathology marker is nitrogen monoxide NO.

Theoretical justification of gas analysis

The very first attempts to study how bronchial asthma affects the composition of exhaled air began in 1991 by Swedish physiologists.

In process of research it has been observed that severe forms of bronchial asthma are accompanied by an increase in the concentration of nitrogen monoxide in the exhaled air.

Primary studies were conducted using standardized stationary gas analyzers in several different groups.

The subjects were given a mixture deprived of nitrogen monoxide for inhalation, while at the same time in exhaled air this compound was found in different concentrations. And the heavier asthma was, the higher the concentration of NO impurities was.

This trend is associated with an increase of oxidative stress in the cells of the epithelium of the alveoli and bronchioles. A direct relationship between high levels of nitrogen monoxide and drug-induced asthma resistance has also been found.

Practical value

Despite the fact that for diagnostics of the disease the gas analysis of the exhaled air is still not applicable, this method is a convenient method of monitoring.

Compactness and unprecedented sensitivity make it possible to consider the Health Monitor as a very promising device for monitoring the course of bronchial asthma. With its help, you it is possible to achieve several positive effects:

• To predict the risk of developing an attack several hours before the onset.

• To select the ideal minimum effective dose of drugs for the therapy of hormone-dependent forms of bronchial asthma.

• Evaluate the effectiveness of therapy.

• Identify the progress of the process in the stage of imaginary well-being.

So it is possible to prevent the development of hormone-resistant forms of the disease.

But the most important thing is to react in time and take necessary measures to prevent an attack: to make an emergency inhalation, to increase the dose of regularly taken medications or completely change the treatment regimen.

Of course, all the results of the study and the measures taken should be coordinated with the doctor.

To assess how the usual testing looks like you can click on the following link:

And here — an interview with the developer and a detailed description of the principle of the device:

