7 Tips to Stay Healthy and Fit This Summer

Published in
3 min readJun 16, 2020
Image by Messan Edoh from Pixabay

As we know when summer is coming, temperatures are rising and we are looking forward to longer and lazier days.

For many of us, summer brings a great amount of relief from chilly days, but it also carries a number of health problems, such as dehydration, upset stomach, heatstroke, and bacterial infections, etc.

Therefore, it is necessary to make sure you are eating the right foods and exercising the right way to fitness and health.

At summer time people surf, sand, BBQs, pool parties and the occasional getaway. These plans are also an open invitation for you to get sick, mainly if you are traveling our lounging outer.

So, guys, summer has finally arrived! It’s time to beat out the BBQs, dig out that swimwear and jet off on holiday for some well-deserved chill time on the beach.

But, for most of us, summer also brings with it the appeal of sweet treats like ice cream, excessive sun exposure, hay fever and other health issues — so it’s just as important to look after ourselves in the warmer weather.

Lucky for you, we’ve put together our top seven tips for staying happy and healthy these summers — keep these on your radar and enjoy your holidays without any hesitation.

Here are seven healthy tips for summer you must know!

  1. Drink Plenty of Water
  2. Eat Seasonal Fruits and Vegetables
  3. Hygiene is the Key to Healthy Body
  4. Downsize Your Meal
  5. Choose Fresh Juices Over Cold Drinks
  6. Keep up the Exercise Regime
  7. Wear Your SPF!

Drink Plenty of Water

For the period of the hot summer months, heat and sweat can leave your body dry out. If you drink a lack of water then it is harmful to your body and can also make you crave food when you’re not actually starving. It is extremely essential to keep yourself hydrated by drinking at least eight to nine glasses of water a day. Moreover, Try adding some slices of cucumber or lemon to add a fresh flavor.

Eat Seasonal Fruits and Vegetables

Currently, most vegetables and fruits are available all year round; though, consuming seasonal foods have their own charm and healthy profits. Always picks newly harvested foods to extract the best benefits they have to offer. Take these fruits plums, mangoes, oranges, tomatoes, berries, celery, and watermelon, etc.

Hygiene is the Key to Healthy Body

Make sure whatever you eat or drink on is clean and hygienic. You are prone to get bacterial infections from the utensils in restaurants and even at home. For all the time make sure they are clean and always wash your hands before eating.

Downsize Your Meal

It can be difficult to take longer for the stomach to digest food plus the hot weather does not permit you to load up on large amounts of food. Therefore, you should need to take a light meal rather than having heavy ones, especially at night.

Choose Fresh Juices Over Cold Drinks

In the summertime, you are thirsty more often, which makes us the option to energy drinks and cold drinks that prove to be dangerous if we take them for the long term. Whenever you feel like quenching your thirst, prefer drinking orange juice or melon juice.

Keep up the Exercise Regime

Before you hide those running shoes in the attire, keep in mind summer exercise doesn’t have to stop because of the rising temperatures. On summer days, change your exercise plan and take it indoors. Take a class, or try an online workout. It’s best not to work out in the burning sunshine, but on a cooler day, there’s nothing to stop you heading out for a run or bike ride — wear SPF and take plenty of water.

Wear Your SPF!

It is essential to use a sun lotion of at least SPF 30 even in good health, 50 — preventing your skin from harmful UV rays.

For sensitive skin, a mineral-based sunscreen is the best option. Avoid sitting in the sun during peak hours between 10 am and 4 pm in order to minimize UV radiation, but if you are planning to be out in the sun for a long period of time, then reapply sunscreen every two hours or instantly after swimming.

