Measures Against The New Coronavirus

Published in
2 min readMar 15, 2020
Image by _freakwave_ from Pixabay

This article is written to help people around the world and every piece of information has been taken from WHO. So, you don’t have to worry about the wrong information.

Let’s get started.

How The New Coronavirus Spreads?

  • At present, there is no vaccine to stop the new coronavirus.
  • It is basically spread from human to human.
  • It can also spread via respiratory droplets (When an infected person sneezes or coughs.)
  • People who are in contact with one another (6 feet approx.)
  • The droplets can also get to the noses or mouths of people.

How Can You Protect Yourself?

No Close Contact

  • If new coronavirus is spread around your place, keep distance between yourself and other people.
  • People who are sick, try to avoid close contact with them.

Clean Your Hands Frequently

  • Don’t touch your eyes, mouth, and nose with unwashed hands.
  • Use a hand sanitizer that has alcohol in it (at least 60% alcohol).
  • If you don’t have a hand sanitizer, wash your hands often with soap and water (for at least 20 seconds.)

How to Protect Others?

If You Are Sick, Stay Home

If you are sick, please, stay at home.

Cover Sneezes & Coughs

  • Throw used tissues in the trash immediately.
  • Cover your nose and mouth with the inside of your elbow or with a tissue while coughing or sneezing.
  • Wash your hands with water and soap (for 20 seconds at least.)

If You Are Sick, Don’t Forget To Wear A Facemask

  • You don’t have to wear a facemask if you are not sick. And, if you are taking care of someone, then you have to wear a mask.
  • You should wear a facemask if you are sick.

To know more about the myths busted? Visit this link.

