10 Ways to Be a Healthy Mom

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5 min readMay 5, 2015

Moms tend to put their families first, so it’s important to make sure they take care of themselves too. Celebrate the moms in your life by sending them this checklist of year-round health tips!

1. Take a break

Even if it’s for 15 minutes at a time, a break gives you a chance to catch your breath and recenter yourself amidst the stress of motherhood. Whether you’re a new mother or a veteran soccer mom, a quick breather in the middle of your afternoon does wonders for your mood and concentration. Think of it as scheduled procrastination!

2. Exercise regularly

Dr. Gregg Nishi, a bariatric specialist, says, “My philosophy is that the best way to lose weight is not by dieting, but by changing your lifestyle to a healthier one. You don’t need a drastic diet. Make small changes.” Spend time with your kids at the park — you’re never too old for the swings! If your little one is stroller-bound, take your baby on a daily or weekly walk.


3. Eat healthy

Dr. Nishi also suggests these healthy eating habits to help shed the post-baby pounds: “Eat the right portions, eat 3–5 small meals a day, cut back on carbs and sugars, increase lean protein/veggie/fruit/water intake, and start doing some cardiovascular exercise. Breast feeding also tends to make you lose weight too.” You can treat yourself to sweets on Mother’s Day, just don’t forget to make healthy choices the rest of the time!

4. Meditate daily

Dr. Kenneth Cheng, a specialist in family medicine, says that meditation is an important and effective way to reduce stress. Here’s his simple meditation technique: find a quiet, comfortable place where you won’t be disturbed. Close your eyes and take slow, deep breaths, inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. “Hyper-focus” on listening to your breaths. Do this for 5–20 minutes daily.


5. Find a balance between motherhood and work/other activities

If you’re a working mom, balance is important. Rather than thinking of your new life as 100% work and 100% motherhood and trying to fit both, find a more manageable division of your time and energy. Dr. Pavel Conovalciuc notes that it isn’t easy to make career concessions in favor of motherhood, but being a mother is a wonderful responsibility — and there’s nothing in the world like it! If you’re a stay-at-home mom, find the balance between motherhood and your other daily activities.

6. Don’t feel guilty for missing your pre-motherhood lifestyle

OB/GYN Dr. R. Wayne Inzer says it’s perfectly normal to miss your pre-motherhood freedoms. “Each phase of life can carry new exciting opportunities, often at the cost of prior freedoms. It’s ok to look back with some nostalgia and longing as long as you can embrace the present and look foreword to the future. You don’t have to feel guilty about it.” Remember: find a balance!


7. Go on a date!

Hire a babysitter and spend quality time with your partner. Ophthalmologist Dr. Richard Bensinger says, “Romance is one of the great joys of being a human being.” Here are his detailed suggestions for your partner: “Pamper her with time in a personal spa, add flowers, her favorite dress and and romantic restaurant. Do some chore she normally does and anything extra will help. Compliment her and indicate how seriously you take her skills, presence, and helpfulness. Plan a delicious vacation. The list goes on and on. It is almost a virtual image of what you would like for yourself.”

8. Lean on your partner and support network

If you find it difficult to manage stress or anxiety, reach out for help. Talking to your partner, family, and friends can alleviate the symptoms and sources of stress. You can also check out this blog post on 7 Easy Ways to Manage Your Stress. For other health concerns like postpartum depression, talk to a doctor or psychologist.


9. Practice healthy habits

Good habits like healthy eating and regular exercise require commitment and dedication — don’t let bad habits take over! Remind yourself that you’re setting an example for your kids, so teach them how to practice good habits by making smart, healthy decisions — like these 8 Healthy Habits to Help You Live to 80! For more help, check out our healthy living checklists.

10. Make time for annual checkups

Your health is important too. Don’t forget to have an annual physical and women’s exam, and to talk to your doctor about any other health concerns. Prevention is key, so take a look at our Women’s Health topic page to stay on top of your health needs.


Have more health tips for moms? Let us know in the comments! For more specific ways to be a healthy mom, talk to a HealthTap doctor today!

