The Must-Have Holiday Ingredient

Published in
3 min readNov 4, 2016

From holiday hams to Thanksgiving turkeys, there’s one ingredient that you always need in order to have the perfect holiday.

Well, technically two ingredients.

Friends and family are truly what make the holidays special. It’s easy to get caught up in your professional relationships or building new relationships, but it’s important to take the time and slowdown during the holidays so that you can really enjoy the relationships you’ve always had.

“Quality relationships improve our lives in an assortment of ways. When we love and give we improve our mood, our immune system, we release feel good neurochemicals and we are more able to tolerate stress and tension. Knowing how to sustain intimacy and closeness is life sustaining and enriching like no other experience.” — Dr. Arthur Ciaramicoli

In the spirit of helping you live a happier, healthier life, we decided to put together a list of ideas for you and your loved ones to make the most of the time you have together this holiday season.

Get Out and Play

Sure, it’s a bit chilly outside. Heck, some people might even be experiencing snow. However, if you can, try and get out and play! A family game of touch football is always a great way to spend time with the family while staying active. If it’s freezing outside, try going ice skating while dinner is still being prepared. For something less strenuous, can go for a walk and enjoy the fresh air. Bring the pup along too!

Stay In and Play

There is much fun to be had indoors as well! Board games are sure to keep everyone engaged and laughing. Exercise your mind with a game of Trivial Pursuit or get creative with Pictionary. You’ll be able to spend time with your friends and family while still being able to check on dinner.

Make Dinner Together

Let’s be real, there are definitely enough tasks in the kitchen for everyone during the holidays. Offer to chip in and have everyone contribute in their own way. You can peel the potatoes while your siblings cut the vegetables. If you’re not a master chef, feel free to set out some snacks for your friends and family to nibble on! Don’t be scared to challenge yourself though! If you do end up tanking the turkey, you’ll have an epic holiday story for years to come.

Turn on the TV

If you really want to keep it low-key, you there’s always something good to watch on the TV. If you browse through the channels you’ll find holiday parades and sporting events a-plenty! Plus, most shows and channels will also air holiday specials. If all else fails, pop in your favorite movie and bring out the popcorn. Doesn’t that sound cozy?

Celebrate Your Family Traditions

Or perhaps you have your own family traditions that are kind of quirky, but always cherished.

You really can’t beat that.

Author: Maya Gilliss-Chapman

