The Guide to a Successful Road to Recovery

Published in
3 min readSep 22, 2016

Whether it’s a championship game or a day at the park with your kids, you don’t want to miss out because of an injury.

Being sidelined is definitely a bummer, but as much as you might want to get back into the game, you really have to let your body rest. Ignoring a minor injury can make it worse and a major injury is incredibly hard to bounce back from. If you want to be able to get back on the field or be active with your friends and family as soon as possible, follow the six steps to ensure that you’re ready:

  1. Talk to a doctor

It’s important to diagnose your injury right away. The sooner you can identify the problem, the sooner you can fix it. Your doctor can also refer you to an orthopedic surgeon or a physical therapist, depending what the nature of the injury is. Whatever the next steps may be, the first step is talking to a doctor.

2. Develop a plan

Your doctor can work with you to identify next steps. This can include the duration of time you should rest or suggestions as to which specialists you should see to get more specialized help. Such doctors have both the knowledge and connections to come up with a plan to help you get back to normal.

3. See it through

Unfortunately the reality is that you might be told that you can’t be active for a few months. It’s hard to hear but you should listen and adhere to the suggested recovery time. You might need surgery. Or perhaps you’ll need to go to physical therapy a few times a week. The road to recovery isn’t easy, but not following the plan your doctor recommends is only cheating yourself and prolonging your comeback.

4. Don’t push it

Listen to your body and your doctor! If you push yourself too soon, you’ll undo all the hard work you’ve put in towards recovery over the past weeks. You might see a longer recovery time or even incur a more serious injury. One of the most dangerous phases of recovery is when you finally feel well enough to run around again when your body is still fragile. If you have any questions about participating in a certain activity, simply ask your doctor if it’s okay before you give it a go.

5. Get back in the game

The moment you’ve been waiting for! Your friends are waving you back on the court, your kids are eager to go back to the park, and your teammates are counting on you to make the game-winning play. If you’ve done all of the above, you have a good chance of getting back into the game in no time!

Author: Maya Gilliss-Chapman

