The top 8 doctor tips on how to quit smoking for good

Published in
3 min readOct 3, 2017

It’s no secret that smoking does serious damage to your health. It directly causes many types of cancer: such as throat, mouth, esophageal, stomach, pancreas, and kidney cancer, and of course, lung cancer, and shortens life expectancy by about 13 years. It significantly increases one’s risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, or stroke. Nearly 8 out of 10 deaths related to the currently incurable Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) are a result of smoking, and one cigarette exposes the body to a total of 43 carcinogens and over 4000 chemicals.

While knowing the facts and stats is certainly motivating, it’s only half of the equation when it comes to quitting a smoking habit. Giving up cigarettes can seem like a daunting task, so if you’re in need of some motivation, here are 8 of our top doctor tips on how you can give up smoking good for good.

1. Get support from family and friends. Tell your loved ones that you are planning on quitting, and ask them to hold you accountable. This can mean periodic check-ins, or support at check-ups with your doctor. Lean on your friends and family for encouragement.

2. Find a stress relieving habit to help replace smoking. Instead of taking a smoke break, try taking a break that helps relieve your stress and clear your head, such as going for a walk to fit in some physical exercise. Make an effort to include more stress reducing activities in your daily life to help replace the anxiety-reducing effects of the nicotine.

3. Calculate and think about the money you will save. Quitting smoking can help save you quite a bit of money on tobacco products. Calculate how much money you will save each month, and save that toward a healthy reward: such as a trip with friends or family, something relaxing like a massage, or an activity that brings you joy.

4. Select a start date for you to quit. Setting a date on which you’ll begin to start smoking gives you time to prepare, so that you go into the process motivated, and set up for success.

5. Don’t worry if you aren’t perfect. Keep trying and don’t give up. If you slip up and smoke again, don’t blame yourself. Recommit to your goals and milestones, and remind yourself you are in control. Set a new start date, and form new goals and rewards for your progress.

6. Eat more fruits and veggies, exercise, and get more sleep. This may sound like basic health advice, but improving these three pillars of health will help reduce any withdrawal symptoms, making it easier to quit for good.

7. Talk to a doctor about the best medicines to help you quit. You may consider nicotine replacement theory, or even prescription medication. You can connect with a doctor here immediately to find out what is best for you.

8. Identify your triggers and how you plan to deal with them. Whether it’s alcohol, or specific stressful events, try to reduce or eliminate things within your life that may influence you to pick up a cigarette.

Want to know more about what you can do to stop smoking today? Our doctors are available now to help. You can connect with one any time simply by connecting with a doctor here.

Author: Maggie Harriman

