(Trick-or-) treat yourself this Halloween

Published in
2 min readOct 24, 2016

Happy Halloween!

It’s time to put those finishing touches on your haunted house and throw on that Halloween costume you’ve been wanting to wear since last year (finally!). You might be spending October 31st chaperoning your kid’s trick-or-treat extravaganza or perhaps you’re planning to attend a wicked Halloween party to schmooze with other ghosts and goblins!

Whatever spooky plans you have this weekend, you’re sure to encounter this scary situation: sugar and sweets and whole lot of temptation.

Whether it’s buckets full of candy or a witch’s brew at the snack bar, your willpower will be put to the test on Halloween. To make sure you come out of the weekend feeling lively instead of like you belong in an episode of the Walking Dead, come up with a game plan where you can (trick-or-)treat yourself and not feel guilty!

According to Dr. Richard Bensinger, a brief burst of sugar isn’t harmful and should be well tolerated by your body.

However, before you grab your goodie bags and head off to collect your mountains of candy, take into account the following suggestion from Dr. Heidi Fowler

“A small amount of candy is perfectly fine so long as you’re are eating healthy (try for five servings of vegetables and four servings of fruit each day!)”

Taking these guidelines into consideration, try following a balanced diet all 365 days of the year (366 on a leap year!) to have guilt-free cheat moments. Consume candy and sweets in moderation and make sure you get enough sleep so that you don’t feel like a sugar-crashed zombie the next day.

If you have a medical condition that can be triggered by the amount of sugar you consume, talk to your doctor to figure out the best solution for you.

Now, who wants to carve a creepy jack-o-lantern?

Have a happy Halloween!

Author: Maya Gilliss-Chapman

