health tech hub
Published in
2 min readJun 15, 2018


Health Tech Hub Vol. 15— Your Weekly Reads in Medicine and Health Tech

  1. Art + Artificial Limbs — Check out how Limbitless is bringing together both world-class engineers and artists together to provide bionic solutions with a humanistic touch.

On a side note, it’s nice to see public figures like Bill Gates actively spread positive news when spreading of negative/false headlines can run so rampantly in media. See more of his content on GatesNotes.

2. Without context, Google’s Deep Learning diagnostic system outperforms dermatologists detection of melanomas — With the aging boomer population, there are not enough dermatologists to perform skin checks on everyone. This initial study showed that Google’s convolutional neural network system is capable of outperforming dermatologists in melanoma detection.

See also:

(Video) How Convulutional Neural Networks Work (gives you a good idea of the amount of processing needed to make image detection work)

Medical Image Analysis using Convolutional Neural Networks: A Review (nice review of potential areas for image analysis using CNN’s)

3. Atul Gawande: Curiosity and Equality — Atul Gawande reminds us that we should aim to treat everyone with respect and curiosity, and warns medical professionals against staying in our own bubbles and believing that there are patients more-or-less deserving of care. It can be difficult to always treat everyone equally, especially when behavior is not reciprocal, but we must always strive to do so less we promote a pervasive culture of “us vs. them.”

Curated by Genesis Dayrit.



health tech hub

An experimental blog/newsletter exploring the intersection of healthcare, medicine, economics, and technology.