7 Digital Fitness Trends in 2021

Iqra Zafar
Published in
4 min readApr 5, 2021

Necessity is the mother of invention- said Plato

Corona virus has silenced the doubts on the constraint of digital transformation and business stability. Living in a contact less world, we have learned unplanned lessons and business digitalization is a key lesson learned from it.

While virtual interactions are the only way to interact with the world, businesses around the world are changing for good. The fitness industry is no exception to this ongoing digitalization and is digitally operating with huge success.

Virtual Fitness- An Emerging Trend

COVID pandemic has been exhausting both mentally and physically. Staying active and fit during a pandemic is one of the few things that can keep you going. With this weight loss diets and exercises have become important subject of discussion and people are finding their passion in fitness.

A change in physical activity pattern alongside our eating habits added to our existing unhealthy lifestyle. Owing to this situation people are more into online fitness coaching and exploring fitness as their passion.

Though this digital mandate isn’t new but during corona times it has come to the spotlight. In initial pandemic days, from offering free online consultation to moving to online coaching, the world of fitness has gone digital. Virtual fitness is the new normal of the fitness world and even after the pandemic, the trend is going to stay for years.

From raining outside a brick-and-mortar gym to doing squats in your living room, the world of fitness has gone digital.

Digital Fitness Trends in 2021

Here is a look at the trends that contributed to make fitness a digital experience, including;

1- Social media communities

One of the major trends of the fitness industry is the emergence of social communities. These communities are serving as the platforms where people share their fitness goals. Through community support, more people are indulging in fitness and talk and are motivated to achieve their fitness goals. Moreover, nutrition and fitness experts hosting these communities are paving people’s path towards a healthy future by guiding on fitness related matters.

2- A broader fitness definition!

People are now accepting a broader definition of fitness and all thanks to the digitalization of fitness. Conventionally, fitness was thought of as physical strength and that was all we were bombarded with. Now, people are changing their outlook towards fitness and this modern definition of fitness is also taking in mental wellness along with physical fitness.

3- In-demand fitness service- a growing trend

More and more people are becoming aware of the importance of physical health and this is increasing in-demand fitness services. This is changing the services offered by fitness studios and instructors. In-demand service is giving rise to the trend of customizable fitness services due to the realization among the fitness service providers that this digital fitness trend is likely to stay here even after the pandemic will be over.

4- Herd fitness is changing the schema of fitness

Herd fitness is a growing fitness trend among the population. Not only in terms of improvement of physical health, herd fitness keeping people connected during the stressful times of social isolation. Fitness is giving them a reason to stay connected and head to their fitness goals collectively. Here, fitness gadgets and mobile applications are hosting this virtual fitness competition where people who are living miles apart compare their daily progress and staying motivated.

5- Outdoor fitness is redefining the home-fitness trend

Living in a COVID and the post-COVID world, we all realize that there are a few things we were previously missing out on but are essential for us. Among these, outdoor fitness is an important trend. Though the trend isn’t new now more people are opting for it and embracing the options with open arms. No matter if they are going to a boot camp or a cardio class at an outdoor park, it is changing the way people used to see fitness in the past as enclosed spacing with a lot of gym equipment.

6- A Stretchable schedule for stretching

Before COVID pandemic hit the world, most of the people used to believe that workout remains effective only if they rush to a gym before heading to their office or they can’t go to the gym in the evening. However, the revolution in the fitness industry has changed the way people used to perceive fitness and now they are following a workout routine according to their convenience. This stretchable workout schedule is making fitness a more enjoyable experience and more importantly making it fit for all approaches.

7- Remote fitness coaching

Digitalization has expanded the online offerings of businesses. This expansion is bringing about remote coaching options and people are opting for one-on-one fitness services. Hiring personal trainers and coaches is allowing people to make an informed decision about their health.

Bottom Line!

Pandemic fitness is the new talk of the town and the reason is pretty clear. While we are striving to go through the global pandemic, staying fit and healthy during the pandemic can be your new challenge to try your hands on. The fitness industry is also going digital and opening new gateways for both fitness service providers and consumers.

