Take Charge of Your Health… Now or Never!

Iqra Zafar
Published in
3 min readDec 13, 2021

I want to lose weight but can’t do it because of my desk job… I want to get healthy but can’t fix my eating habits…

All this and many other excuses are something we hear daily. We, ourselves hide behind these excuses. Years and years of these excuses and we run on the same wheel.

I am no different from you. A few months ago, I was reading about the tea tree oil benefits and I was so amazed that I decided to try tea tree oil for my acne scars. I even invested in it but didn’t have enough courage to apply it even for a single day. Every time my mother reminds me of it, I am giving our most favourite excuse saying I will start this tomorrow deep down knowing the fact that this tomorrow will not come.

This inability to break the cycle can make our existing health troubles worse and can make things worse. However, it is quite possible to break this cycle with a little bit of effort.

How to Be More Considerate Towards Your Health?

If you are all set to sail this boat and have finally decided onto this, then here are some of my favourite tips that can help you here;

1- Start with Smaller Steps

No matter if it’s about achieving your ideal body weight or growing your ideal hair length, there is no shortcut to it. Great things take time and there is no shortcut to it. Whenever you are looking to achieve something, make sure you are setting small achievable goals. This will make things look not so big and you achieving small milestones across the timeline will motivate you enough to keep going.

2- Plan of Action Matters

You can although start from anywhere but having a proper plan of action is always a better solution. You may have this strong urge to begin things suddenly but a road map can help you. This will enable you to track your progress across the timeline and will keep you going on the days when you find it difficult to stay on track.

3- Positive Self Talk Helps

We all talk to ourselves but doing positive self-talk offers can do wonders. We all need reassurance and who can assure you better than yourself? Be your motivation, find your reasons to work hard, cheer yourself up and do this several times a week to help yourself keep going.

4- Hold Yourself Accountable

Rather than staying in your comfort zone and adjusting to the problems, start thinking of breaking this cycle. Accountability is particularly important in this regard, make sure that you question yourself at the end of the day or week to see your progress in real-time. However, while being self-accountable, make sure not to go too harsh on yourself, accept setbacks and have the courage to stand on the very next day.

Let’s Take a Step Ahead and Do it Now!

Health challenges can come anywhere at any time but the one who decides to fight the situation is the one who succeeds. If you are suffering from any such situation, realize that it’s your high time to start.

So, let’s believe in the magic of beginnings and trust the process, keeping our eyes on a healthier future.!

