Naba Batool
Published in
5 min readDec 14, 2021


Technology and Health; A Symbiotic Relationship in the Making….

“Technology is best when it brings people together.”

Every new innovation that rises on our landscape actively participates in changing our perspective and the very basics of each and everything as we know it. And thus, healthcare is not any exception.

The future and the present of digital healthcare are shaping up right in front of us all with all the commendable and applause-worthy technological innovations. Shutting your eyes from these latest changes is not how the world works but embracing all these productive changes and additions is what will seal the deal for us all.

The best practice that we can adopt here is that we should be welcoming all these latest developments with open arms so that we have the upper hand and not vice versa.

In order to stay relevant, updated, and in sync, we have to work hand in hand with this world-changing scenario for the global good.


“Technology is a useful servant but a dangerous master.”

Well, let us discuss how on earth technology is going to astonish our ancestors when it comes to the sector of healthcare.

How Technology is Revamping Healthcare

Over the years it is not your everyday items that have been changed but the conversion is also pretty much evident in how we are treating our patients in the 21st century.

It is one thing to stay deliberately ignorant about the unknown, but let us just be honest we all are a little bit anxious about what this new and advanced technological world has in its bucket for us all. But there is no one who has ever been benefitted by the factor of fear. We think that it is more than the right time and zone to discuss both our fears and what we might be expecting in the near future. Because other than acceptance there is no other way out.

What you can do at this moment is to stay as alert as possible and do not covet from expanding your knowledge of the spectrum because all this is not stopping anytime soon.

Thus. Today we will be shedding light on those major changes that have been backed up by technology and modern-day scientific innovations.

Artificial Intelligence

If there is one thing that can holistically redesign the whole healthcare sector it is this one. Artificial intelligence has all the right touch of potential and is compatible enough to transform our basic perspectives on life.

It is far more productive, is fast, and is accurate as hell. The treatment plans can get designed and planned way more swiftly. Furthermore, you are able to streamline and integrate all the data which is like digitalization 101.

Virtual Reality

The real-time but not so real experience of virtual movies is not only restricted to cinemas. Soon you will be experiencing the medical surgeries as if you are the one who is performing them!

At this current moment, VR is being used so that the new batch of surgeons can perform operations while not physically in attendance.

Pain management is another perk of using virtual reality. This comes in handy especially when the woman who is about to give birth is equipped with VR headsets so that the painful experience can be tailored to a threshold. When the patients are shown virtual images, doctors have witnessed a major decline.

Healthcare Trackers and Wearables

It is impossible for us all to leave the patient care experience out of the symbiotic relationship that exists between medicine and digital healthcare. The main part of contemporary healthcare is wearables and sensors. These devices are a sure and effortless way of controlling your own body. People with the help of these gadgets are able to track their health in a more profound manner.

These devices with a holistic approach are able to provide you with e-data that can help you immensely so that you can revise your stress levels, cognitive abilities as well as weight. All this help the general public to keep track of their health and to make better and informed decision regarding it.

Data Collection and Integration

Another notable facet of healthcare going digital is the sensible and befitting data collection that is still a dreamy situation for many other sectors. But with the help of several algorithms and software such as pharmacy management software and laboratory management software, effective data collection and intricate management is very much a reality.

Hospitals do not have to manage the data on their own as they are properly equipped with this software. Thus the whole B2C and B2B branches of healthcare are in for a ride.

Transcriptions and data entry, as well as medical records, are all very much organized and healthcare is no longer a legend.


Telehealth is an easy and accessible way for customers to acquire digital healthcare services that are nothing but the best. One such platform that is acting as a bridge between the general masses and health facilities in Pakistan is Healthwire. pk

It does not only open venues for senior customers but also paves new and better ways for patient care and protection. Furthermore, in the hour of need telehealth is the only safe and easy to access platform.

Do Not Fear It, Embrace the New World!

The journey of healthcare from accidental discoveries to AI is without any doubt, quite a long tale. The healthcare sector as we know it today was never the same before. All hail technology!

The aim of digital healthcare is nothing but to streamline the health data but also to bring health one step closer to the general masses.

Thus rather than having fear of the unknown keep your information up to the notch and let us welcome an all-new world full of possibilities and wonder!

