Naba Batool
Published in
5 min readDec 7, 2021


Ultimate Recipe to Stay Hydrated This Winter Season

Hydration levels and winter do not go hand in hand…right!!!

Winters because of their low temperatures and frosty nights make an already established sloth like me lazier. So the prospect of leaving my precious blanket to go out and drink water is ‘Mission Impossible; Winter Is Back’ for me.

Can you feel me???

Well if you don’t then congratulations. But back to the topic. It is common for people to keep an eye on their hydration levels during hot and humid summer afternoons because of all the precipitation…thank you ‘sweat glands’.

But the urge to drink water is highly affected during winters because in this season our bodies do not produce that much sweat hence we do not feel thirsty at all.

Thus, even if the temperature is taking a dip, water is quintessentially important for your body to stay active unless you want dry skin and scalp…a nightmare!

After thoroughly researching I have successfully compiled some of the smartest ways for a sloth that is me to stay hydrated which I will be sharing with you all. So, stay tuned and let me get back to you after drinking water.

Hydration; Why There is So Much Stress On It?

The human body you all have studied is made up of water. Water significantly makes more than half of the human body. So kindly get over the fact that drinking water is only to satisfy your thirst because it is so not!

Several perks of drinking the right amount of water are as follows:

  • Important for physical activity
  • Helps with body’s movement
  • Inevitable for joint lubrication
  • Aids the sleeping process
  • Improves mood
  • Reduces the risk of injuries in winters

Tips To Stay Hydrated This Winter Season

Here are some of my tips that you all can make yours just as long as you stay hydrated.

  • Water-Drink It Throughout the Day

A reminder for you to drink water now if you are ignoring your thirst….

Well, water is important and you should drink it throughout the day and not just right before you hit the track.

PS; Purchase a cute tumbler for yourself so that you can take it to wherever you go.

PPS; Do not forget this new companion of yours at home. You have to take it with you wherever you go whether it’s a shopping spree or a casual night out.

  • Water Again Cuz Its Irreplaceable

Trying to sip out hot coffee elegantly while reading this. I admire the decorum and second the fact that hot coffee and winter is the best combo ever….

Sorry to burst your bubble but nothing in the world can make up for dehydration like water. You need to understand the fact that even high consumption of caffeinated drinks can lead to an upset stomach and thus can gravely affect your thirst.

But if you are an athlete then you might be the one opting for sports drinks and that is okay!

This is mainly due to the fact that drinking this fluid helps your body with the level of lost electrolytes during sweat. That’s another plus!

Pro tip: Try adding lemon, mint, and cucumber to that plain old glass of water.

  • Hydrating Dietary Choices-A Must

Drinking water is a classic when it comes to regulating your hydration levels. But in the 21st century, we do it in a different way.

You can also keep up with the level of hydration in your body by consuming the right and fluid-filled foods. Some of the best examples of these hydrating fruits are:

  • Cantaloupe
  • Oatmeal
  • Celery
  • Yogurt
  • Strawberries

All of these fan-favorite foods can sneak in a great deal of water inside your body and thus stock up on these today because why not!

Do not undermine the power of homemade soups that your mother makes for you and that have a rich balance of love and seasonal veggies as well as herbs and spices.

Give up on processed foods as they suck all the nutrition as well as moisture out of your body.

  • Layering; The Right Amount

For all those polar bears out there…..this one is for you.

I understand the primitive urge to overdress the minute the temperature needle drops down. But refrain from becoming joey and do not put on all of your wardrobes this winter.

This does not only plummet your resistance against low temperatures but also gravely affect your thermoregulation abilities.

Instead of wearing everything that you own try to dress in breathable fabrics to limit down the level of precipitation. Because what TS says

“We never go out of style”

Adios Summers, ‘Khush Ammadeed’ Winters

So summer has packed up all the vibrant colors and well the high temperature of the sun and has left the town. And here comes winter….

We welcome this season of frosty nights and wool shawls but do remember to keep up with the aforementioned information and enjoy good health this winter season.

