Day 199.

Healthy Eating Challenge
1 min readDec 19, 2014

Five Things I Won’t Eat During My Healthy Eating Challenge

of 365 Healthy Eating Challenge

no junk food

No cookies. No pop. No chips. No fries. *No unnatural sugar.

The obvious junk foods are easy to avoid. It’s the foods that contain processed ingredients that can be tough if you don’t know their nutrional information. I use MyFitness Pal to examine food nutrition labels and track ingredients when I can. You quickly get a good idea of the foods that are high in sugar, fat, carbohydrates, salt and other nasty things.

If you’re considering modifying your diet
the easiest place to start is with the things you drink.
Rather than pick up a pop, sports or energy drink
replace it with water.

*Sugar is a sneaky, devious little devil. If you start checking your nutrition labels you’ll be surprised at how many foods are high in sugar. I do my best to track my daily intake and examine the amount of sugar found in common foods. It’s not the only thing you should be tracking of course but it’s a great start. Take little steps. Find what works for you.




Healthy Eating Challenge

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