Is Turmeric bad for your kidneys?

Sebastian Radulescu
Healthy Food
Published in
2 min readJan 6, 2023

Turmeric is a spice commonly used in cooking and has been used in traditional medicine for centuries. Some studies have suggested that turmeric and its active ingredient, curcumin, may have a number of health benefits, including reducing inflammation and acting as an antioxidant. However, there is also some concern that turmeric may have negative effects on the kidneys.

One potential issue with turmeric and the kidneys is that it can act as a blood thinner, which may increase the risk of bleeding and bruising in some people. This effect may be particularly pronounced in people who are already taking blood-thinning medications, such as warfarin or aspirin. It is important for people taking these medications to talk to their doctor before taking turmeric supplements or consuming large amounts of turmeric in their diet.

Another concern with turmeric and the kidneys is that it may increase the risk of kidney stones. Turmeric contains oxalates, which are compounds that can bind with calcium and form kidney stones. However, it is worth noting that turmeric is not a particularly high source of oxalates, and there is limited research on the relationship between turmeric and kidney stones.

There have also been some reports of turmeric causing kidney damage in animals, but it is not clear if this is a concern in humans. One study in rats found that high doses of turmeric extract caused kidney damage, but the doses used in the study were much higher than those typically consumed by humans.

It is also worth noting that turmeric supplements are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and there have been reports of some supplements containing contaminants or not containing the amount of turmeric advertised on the label. This means that the safety and quality of turmeric supplements can vary, and it is important to purchase supplements from reputable sources.

Overall, there is limited research on the effects of turmeric on the kidneys in humans, and more research is needed to fully understand the potential risks and benefits. While turmeric is generally considered safe when consumed in small to moderate amounts as a spice in food, it is not clear if turmeric supplements are safe for long-term use. If you are considering taking turmeric supplements, it is important to talk to your doctor to weigh the potential risks and benefits and to determine if they are appropriate for you.

