Lessons from the Cave

Lainey Hitchman
Healthy, Happy & Whole
4 min readAug 30, 2021


What to do when you’re feeling low.

Photo by Bruno van der Kraan on Unsplash

Getting up this morning wasn’t easy, my bones and muscles were in full complaint mode after a week of working on renovating the old house. My husband has already heard about every ache and pain before I got out of bed this morning.

I got up, made a cup of tea and started to read my Bible. Every now and then I switch Bible translations because it can bring a fresh perspective. This morning I read Psalm 142 in the NLT, a Psalm that David wrote when he was hiding out in a cave. At first glance, it’s a Psalm of complaint (one that put my own grumblings into perspective) but David learned a lot in that cave.

Psalm 142


I cry out to the Lord;

I plead for the Lord’s mercy.


I pour out my complaints before him

and tell him all my troubles.


When I am overwhelmed,

you alone know the way I should turn.

Wherever I go,

my enemies have set traps for me.


I look for someone to come and help me,

but no one gives me a passing thought!

No one will help me;

no one cares a bit what happens to me.


Then I pray to you, O Lord.

I say, “You are my place of refuge.

You are all I really want in life.


Hear my cry,

for I am very low.

Rescue me from my persecutors,

for they are too strong for me.


Bring me out of prison

so I can thank you.

The godly will crowd around me,

for you are good to me.”

Have honest conversations with God.

David went to the Lord with all his troubles. He had an honest relationship with God. We don’t need to pretend. I’ve come across people who feel it’s fine to pray for others but somehow feel it’s wrong to bring their own needs to God. David had no qualms about being real with God, (Verses 1&2).

Recognise God knows more than you do.

Being overwhelmed isn’t a unique feeling, you might be surprised how many people feel that the pressures of life are more than they can handle. David certainly felt this way, he was overwhelmed, confused and in physical danger. He knew he needed to draw on God’s wisdom and guidance since only God had the big picture, (Verse 3). God knows the decisions you have to make and has the perfect plan.

Take your eyes off others and focus on God.

It can seem as though we’re alone in what we’re doing and that no one cares. David had obviously tried to reach out to others for help and felt rejected. I don’t think David is the only one guilty of having a little pity party and expecting more of others. We can look in the wrong places for our needs to be met. It took David a while to adjust his priorities and realise God was all he really wanted. He also needed to remind himself that God was his safe place and was the one he should run to, (Verses 4&5). I’ve been guilty of running around like a headless chicken trying to sort out situations, like David I need to remind myself of my priorities. I also need to remember who God is. Have you reached that place yet?

Recognise your soul condition.

This might seem like a strange thing to draw from these verses but bear with me. There is no mistaking that David was depressed, and knowing his physical circumstances he had reason to be. He needed God’s intervention in his life because he couldn’t handle his circumstances alone. His prayer was ‘bring me out of prison.’ It’s easy to read this on a superficial level, after all, he was stuck, hiding in a cave but let’s dig a little deeper. In the original language, it reads more like ‘bring my soul out of prison.’ That changes things! David recognised he didn’t just need his physical circumstances to change but he needed God to rescue him from his depression. The soul has been described as the mind, the will and the emotions.

Ask God to rescue you!

While he was in that depressed state, David knew his thoughts, his decisions and his feelings needed God’s intervention. He cried out to God and God rescued him.

If, today, you feel like you’re in a cave follow David’s example. Have an honest conversation with God. Recognise God knows more than you do. Take your eyes off others and focus on God. Recognise your soul condition and ask Him to rescue you.



Lainey Hitchman
Healthy, Happy & Whole

Sharing about life, love, relationships and revelations. Author of Bringing Worlds Together, Adjusting Expectations and Improving Communication.