7 Simple Exercises to Boost Your Metabolism in the Morning

Getting up, getting started, and starting your day off right

Duane Michael
Healthy Lifestyle Tips
4 min readJun 15, 2022


7 Simple Exercises to Boost Your Metabolism in the Morning
Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

You’ve heard it time and time again from your friends and family, but now you know it to be true: exercise does increase your metabolism. However, not all exercises are created equal when it comes to boosting your metabolism and getting the most out of your workout.

These seven simple morning exercises will increase your energy levels throughout the day, rev up your metabolism, and help you get ready to take on the day in record time.


One simple way to ramp up your metabolism for weight loss is to incorporate more cardiovascular exercises into your routine. At least three times a week, try performing cardio exercises that engage your large muscle groups.

For example, lunges build strength and burn calories all at once, making them one of our favorite morning moves. While you’re on all fours with one leg bent, slowly extend your front leg while keeping both knees straight until you form a 90-degree angle between your extended front leg and your torso.

Perform two sets of 10 repetitions each using lighter weights or fewer repetitions with heavier weights each time you exercise.


The ultimate multi-tasker, burpees are a full-body exercise that works your legs, butt, chest, shoulders, and arms. To do them: Squat down with your hands on your knees (like you’re going to sit in a chair), then thrust yourself up as high as you can and pull your legs back into a squat.

Stand up again and jump as high as you can — remember to keep your hands on your knees so they don’t take over. Try doing 10 reps of 20 each day until you get into a routine.

Plank Jumps

This exercise doesn’t sound like much, but it is. You’ll need a pull-up bar (or anything sturdy you can grab onto). Start in the plank position with your hands resting comfortably on either side of your shoulders.

Jump up and move your hands out to chest level, elbows bent at 90 degrees. Jump back down into plank position and immediately jump back up; as you land repeat jumping again. That’s one rep, do two sets of 10 reps every morning before breakfast.


The easiest way to get in a quick metabolism boost? March! The up-and-down motion of marching and raising your knees will help rev up your resting metabolic rate (RMR), which means you’ll burn calories more quickly all day long. Try four sets of 30 seconds at a time, with about 30 seconds rest between each.

Or for an extra challenge, try eight sets of 15 seconds at a time with about 45 seconds rest between each set. There are so many ways to get moving and build muscle, too: Yoga is especially great for building strength and flexibility, while circuit training combines aerobic exercise with muscle toning for an effective full-body workout.

Jump Rope

Jumping rope is a great way to start your day because it gives you a full-body workout. The activity also helps you burn calories and increases coordination, agility, speed, balance, and endurance. And since jumping rope requires no special equipment or training, it’s something anyone can do anywhere at any time.

To burn extra calories while jump roping, add some high knees, jumping as high as you can with each step — into your routine for an added calorie-burning challenge. (This exercise will help tone your thighs.) For example: Jump continuously for one minute; then rest 30 seconds; repeat four times before finishing with a longer rest period.

Jogging in Place

Jogging can be a great way to get your heart rate up and improve circulation. If you’re doing it while also standing on a treadmill, you’ll be able to increase intensity without placing added stress on your joints and muscles. But be sure that you have adequate room for movement; a small room can quickly feel cramped when you start jogging back and forth, so work around a wall or other obstacle if necessary. Make sure your phone is charged before beginning.

Bicycle Crunches

This exercise is similar to a regular crunch, but your legs are extended out in front of you. This will take away from that belly pooch look and also tone up your lower abdominals. It also works your hip flexors, butt, and thighs. Make sure not to lock your hands behind your head.

You want to keep them off of your neck or throat while you perform these crunches. It is important not to do these crunches with a lot of weight on top of you either; it should be done easily without adding too much resistance or pressure on your body while performing these movements.

Final Thoughts

The human body was meant to move. Getting up early and doing a few minutes of exercise is always better than not doing any at all, even if it’s just a quick walk. It takes less than 10 minutes, gives you energy for your day, and can help jump-start your metabolism. I hope you try these easy ideas to get you started. Here is another story you may like.

Wrap Up

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Duane Michael
Healthy Lifestyle Tips

I am a creative visionary and storyteller, weaving my dreams into words. It is my goal that you will enjoy my words. 😊