How To Make Time For Fitness When You’re Always On the Go

Don’t let this busy world stop you from staying fit

Duane Michael
Healthy Lifestyle Tips
4 min readJun 12, 2022


Don’t let this busy world stop you from staying fit
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Since the world is trying to return to normal after this pandemic, and people are returning back to work, are you finding it harder to get in shape? Your hectic work schedule and endless to-do list may have you feeling like there isn’t enough time in the day to fit in both work and workouts, but it doesn’t have to be that way.

It can be challenging to make time for fitness when you’re pressed for time, but these tips will help you incorporate exercise into your daily routine so you can stay fit even on your busiest days.

Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going. — Jim Ryin

Make Small Changes

If you’re looking to boost your fitness but don’t have a lot of time, consider making small changes to your day. Wearing a Fitbit or using an app like Pact can help track your steps and support you when you feel like slacking off. And it doesn’t hurt to think about taking short walks in between calls at work or parking further away from buildings so that you walk more.

Researchers have found that even just adding more steps per day could help prevent early death from heart disease and stroke. And one easy way to do that is by walking instead of driving. Speaking of walking, you may want to check out this article.

Finding time during your lunch break

Some days, you might have to do a little juggling to make it to a yoga class or pick up your running shoes for a midday jog. If that’s your situation, schedule workouts at either 6:30 AM or 6:30 PM.

This way, you’ll get in a quick session after work and one before dinner when you aren’t busy (or are least busier). Schedule appointments with yourself as if they were actual appointments with others; plan them in like any other meeting and then stick to it.

Getting up early

While it might seem like a small difference, getting up even just a few minutes earlier than usual can have big benefits. Not only does it put you in motion earlier and set your day off on a positive note, but it’s also been shown to help with weight loss.

Why? It comes down to being able to eat breakfast before you get too hungry and more importantly, having more time throughout your morning for exercise. Early risers tend to be early exercisers, so don’t skimp on that egg white omelet.

Setting yourself up for success is one of those things that seems hard when you do it but easy when you look back and realize how much progress you’ve made.

Waking up early can help you sleep better

Here’s a simple way to make sure you get more quality shut-eye: Wake up early. According to research published in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, waking up before 6 a.m. can help you sleep better because it gives your body time to reset its internal clock, which is linked to getting tired when you go to bed and waking up at regular times each day.

Making sure that you wake up at about the same time every day (within an hour or so) also helps keep your body on schedule for sleeping well, which is a big factor in keeping yourself healthy overall. Plus, getting more rest means you’ll have more energy and focus during your waking hours, too.

Exercise first thing in the morning

If you like working out, but don’t find time for it during your busy day, wake up a little earlier each morning and exercise before starting your day. It will not only help you feel more energized in general, but it will also help you sleep better at night because it resets your body clock.

Your daily routine will eventually get used to waking up early and it won’t seem so strange anymore. If you have trouble falling asleep at night (not uncommon after a hard workout), try taking a warm shower or bath before bed as well. This helps reduce stress and relax tired muscles.

Put exercise before work every day

This sounds crazy, I know. If you’re like most people, you like to sleep in and then wake up slowly, spending a few minutes reading or scrolling through social media before heading off to work. But if you plan on being physically active every day of your life and who doesn’t want that?

It will be better for you and more likely to happen if you build exercise into your schedule first thing in the morning. That way it gets done with minimal fussing around. The other benefit is that no matter how busy and exhausted you are at work (which can take a heavy toll on our bodies) when 5 p.m.

Wrap Up

Working out doesn’t have to be hard. We make time for things that matter, so why not exercise? It only takes a little creative thinking and you can find workout time anywhere.

Just remember: everything counts as exercise, even walking around your office between meetings can help you stay fit. All it takes is planning and a bit of ingenuity. And before you know it, you’ll be glad that you made time to maintain your health.



Duane Michael
Healthy Lifestyle Tips

I am a creative visionary and storyteller, weaving my dreams into words. It is my goal that you will enjoy my words. 😊