Why Couples Fight during Home Renovations?

Ambreen Sajjad
Healthy Mind, Healthy Life
4 min readMay 7, 2019
Source- Unsplash

“Our home renovation is simply wrecking our marriage”

“I wish we had never bought this house”

“I hate you for putting this odd paint color in our bedroom”

Have you ever listened to one of those melodramatic statements by a couple who is experiencing troubles before, after or during home renovations?

If so, I can imagine your level of enjoyment. Yes, it’s must be an ‘enjoyment’ for a third person. Especially if you are single, you may feel more satisfied and truly blessed of not having such mental strains and daily headaches.

But if you are one of those couples who is experiencing these issues during home renovations, then it’s time to solve the issue by tackling the problem at the right time.

Home Renovations affect couples!

According to the recent stat results, there are more than 15% of couples who consider divorce during or after their home renovations. And I can bet that a few chunks of remaining 85% spend chilly days while sleeping in separate rooms.

After these results, I have covered some important reasons why couple fights during home renovations:

1. Addition of an Enormous TV:

When one spouse needs a massive 90-inch LED to watch ‘Vampire Diaries’ and other is looking for a small 32-inch just for daily entertainment, the problems may pop up for both of the persons.

TV size usually becomes great stress for most of the couples. One person always needs it as large as possible, and the other spouse doesn’t want it to look like the focal point of the room.

The solution is, both of you just need to decide where your TV will go and figure out the suitable place where it doesn’t look and feel overwhelmed.

But if you still can’t solve the issue, compromise on the sizes - just consider a medium one to sort out the issue or change the place.

2. Toilet compartments:

Apparently, not every person wants privacy while using the toilet.

According to the famous group of home renovation experts, the addition of the toilet compartment to your huge sized bathroom is simply a major contention for most of the couples.

But the point is, your toilet area needs the most privacy among all rooms of the house. No matter if it’s small or large, privacy should be the main concern.

However, some people don’t want a huge space for the toilet. They think it’s just consuming more space which can be utilized anywhere.

So, there is a huge debate over this issue. One spouse will say, I need a big private space for showering, bathing, shaving and relaxing. And the other one will say why should I hide everything from you while we are married? So, it’s a big problem for both persons when everyone is on point.

3. Poor financial management:

Poor financial management while renovating homes can cause most of the marriage ‘tear-apart’. But to only save a few bucks, can also cause big troubles. Because one spouse wants to spend money on each & everything and the other one wants to save money even on necessary items.

The problem also gets increases when one person prefers choosing inexpensive home renovation contractor and the other one looks for the expensive one who is efficient in handling multiple projects. And when they can’t figure out the right choice, they end up fighting!

4. Paint colors:

“What color you want for our dream bedroom?” Imagine if you asked that question from your partner, and he answered with the totally opposite choice which you hate most.

I think if there is a slight difference between the two choices, then it shouldn’t be a relationship killer. But if you are dying to paint your bedroom in dramatic red and your spouse is insisting on choosing pure white, then it can obviously create a problem in your relationship.

It’s better to see different samples before shopping for the right one. And if you think your spouse wouldn’t be happy on this then go with the nearest shade of that family.

Home improvement can be a marriage wrecker if not handled carefully. I am not asking you to make compromises, but just show a little respect and care to the problem because, in every relationship, there are lots of conflicts. But it doesn’t mean you end up fighting or blaming each other for wrong decisions.

Sit together, take advice from professionals and follow best home improvement ideas to make your home a comfortable and enjoyable place.



Ambreen Sajjad
Healthy Mind, Healthy Life

I am a professional content writer and contributor of numerous publications. I love to read, and create different newsworthy blogs and opinions.