Announcing the Free Cyber Security for Beginners Course

Heimdal Security
Healthy paranoia
Published in
3 min readSep 9, 2015


Before I started working in the cyber security sector, I felt like there were 2 major kinds of people in the world:

The cyber security ninjas, who master the technical stuff behind the interface and speak the lingo fluently

And the n00bs, like myself, who know that there are a lot of cyber threats out there and we need protection from them, but who don’t quite grasp what goes on behind the scenes.

While trying to educate myself on the subject, I noticed the same segmentation when it comes to online articles or online courses. I found two types of content:

Heavily technical, with lots of terms who I couldn’t understand or relate to

Or general advice that was not really actionable, which I could slightly relate to, but didn’t meet my needs for practical advice.

There’s not much happening in between, although there are good resources out there, but they come in pieces. If you’d really want to learn the basics of cyber security for your protection, as a regular user, you’d have to put the pieces together by yourself.

But who has time for that kind of a puzzle? (Between you and me, I never had the patience for puzzles anyway.)

While talking about this with my colleagues, we realized that there’s a chance to use our experience and fill in this gap.

So Aurelian and me put our heads together and started working on the Cyber Security for Beginners course!

If you’re reading this, you already know that cyber security is important or at least care enough about the subject to see how you can get better at it. So I won’t give you any horrifying statistics at this point. (You’ll discover plenty of scary stories by yourself along the way.)

What I want to tell you about the course is:

  • You’ll get 20 lessons in your inbox, once every 2 days, for free
  • You’ll learn everything from key cyber security terms to how to shop safely online, protect your social media accounts, secure your home Wi-fi connection and many, many more
  • You’ll receive exclusive freebies and discounts
  • You’ll have our full support about your questions and cyber security challenges!

The point of the course is to help you start implementing the security advice in the 20 lessons you’ll get via email! Only reading these emails won’t keep your safe from cyber criminals, just like reading an art manual won’t make you a painter the stature of Picasso.

We created these 20 lessons with our friends and families in mind. From one regular Internet user to another, I know you don’t have the time to digest tons of content, that’s why we chose to focus on fast to implement recommendations.

The “go there, check that, change that” approach made the most sense to us. And I really hope it’ll make sense to you to.

In fact, I have a single, specific wish for this course: to help you be safe online. It’s not the paranoia talking, but the knowledge of all the cyber threats and cyber attacks targeting people you and me every day. Sometimes there aren’t even real people behind these attacks. It’s all automated. A few lines of code and something you deems invaluable can be gone.

Memories, confidential data, money — whatever it is that you value, we want to help you keep it safe.

If you’ve ever felt powerless against the bad guys who sit behind their computers and use their knowledge for malicious purposes, I know how you feel. But it doesn’t have to be like that.

So how about it? Will you join us in the Cyber Security for Beginners course?

I promise to help you make the most of it!

Originally published at on June 18, 2015.



Heimdal Security
Healthy paranoia

Online criminals hate us. We protect you from attacks that antivirus can’t block.