11 things to do when it’s cold outside

Catherine Polet
Healthy Reads
Published in
3 min readDec 2, 2022


Photo by Florian van Duyn on Unsplash

When it’s cold, you only want to curl up under your blankets and skip any physical activity.

But there are many benefits to not being a groundhog, putting on your workout gear, and getting outside. First, you burn more calories when you work out in cold weather. Next, getting outside when you’re usually cooped up will boost your mood during the dark winter. And finally, it can save you from all the colds and other common winter ailments.

Are you ready? Put on some warm clothes and step outside. Here are some tips to help you step up your game.

1. Try winter sports

This is an excellent calorie-burning activity. You can burn about 500 calories in an hour of ice skating or cross-country skiing (!). You’ll burn 365 calories in an hour if you prefer downhill skiing.

2. Keep an eye on the temperature

Your body temperature rises by 1°C when you exercise. So you can do sports in cold weather even if you have health problems like asthma (if you have your doctor’s permission, of course). However, go indoors if the temperature drops below -6°C / 21°F and it is windy.

3. Dress like an onion



Catherine Polet
Healthy Reads

Joy & Fulfillment Coach, Female Entrepreneurship Champion, Mindful Living Advocate, Author, Speaker. Achieve joy & fulfillment. | https://catherinepolet.coach