Come with Me Into the Fifth Dimension

You won’t need to pack a lunch

Dan R. Green
Healthy Skepticism
Published in
4 min readFeb 25, 2023


An abstract jumble of purple, pink, and orange lines and shapes crossing each other. A small oblong shape rests among them.
Image generated at NightCafe Studio

Are you ready to take the plunge? Good. But before we enter the mysterious realm of 5D, I’ll provide some quick background.

Because I attended an online presentation on a mystical topic recently (see my Jesus on Venus article), I’ve been getting promotions for other metaphysical classes. One of those was a free talk about moving myself from 3D reality to 5D reality.

It sounded like an invitation from Dr. Strange (or Timothy Leary), so of course I signed on.

Imagine an astral world

The presentation consisted of a seated young woman talking into the camera and leading the audience through visualizations.

Right out of the gate, I was told that “light codes” were being transmitted to me— many wonderful light codes. I had to consult the wisdom of the internet to learn what a light code is:

Light codes are energy patterns that hold specific energetic frequencies encoded with information from higher dimensional sources.

Okay, I still don’t know what it means, but I pretended to. I soon learned that pretending is the key to the entire session.



Dan R. Green
Healthy Skepticism

A skeptical, not cynical, writer who likes to share curiosity, amusement, and amazement.