Strange Facts About Speaking in Tongues

Baffling boisterous babbling

Dan R. Green
Healthy Skepticism
Published in
4 min readMar 3, 2023


Illustration of many strange looking human heads with mouths open.
Image generated with NightCafe Studio

When I was looking into new age metaphysical practices recently, I came across people who claimed to speak something called Light Language. I watched a few videos and soon learned that Light Language is simply a different name for speaking in tongues, or glossolalia.

Suddenly I had to know more about speaking in tongues and this article is the result. The fun part of writing is learning something new and sharing it with readers.

Speaking in tongues is a huge subject and I’ve only brushed the surface here. Sources are listed at the end if you’d like starting points to dive in for more.

What is glossolalia?

Per Wikipedia, the word comes from two Greek roots: glossa means “tongue” or “language,” and laleo means to talk or make a sound.

Glossolalia is what we call it when a person speaks a stream of meaningless sounds as if they are words. Syllables pour out of the mouth with no regard for order or sense, but they are spoken in a language-like manner. “Language-like” means there are pauses, rhythms, and emphases placed on certain sounds just as if a real sentence was being spoken.

Practitioners often enter a trancelike state and produce the sounds without consciously…



Dan R. Green
Healthy Skepticism

A skeptical, not cynical, writer who likes to share curiosity, amusement, and amazement.