Business Is To Life As Marketing Is To Education

What if Marketers Considered Themselves Educators?

Anjali A. Sarkar, PhD
Healthy Wealthy Wise
3 min readNov 25, 2020


Photo by Diego PH on Unsplash

We often equate business to life in our day-to-day interactions. If business can be equated to life, marketing must surely be equated to education, more particularly the education of our environments and its possibilities.

We often confuse the concepts and purposes of marketing and sales. So, let’s be clear at the out start. Sales deals with selling something to somebody who is already knowledgeable and likely interested in what you have to offer, be it a product or a service. When a person approaches a business with the pre-existing knowledge of what she wants, therefore, she is directed to the sales team. The job of the sales team is then to ascertain the details of what the person wants, match it to what is on offer, and provide her with it, as smoothly, efficiently, and quickly as possible.

Marketing on the other hand is the stage before any sales can happen. Marketing deals with educating potential customers, which essentially is all people when you have no clue who your potential customer or prospective client might be. Distinct though they may be in purpose, marketing and sales are not water-tight compartments.

Marketing disseminates information about what the business has to offer to all and…



Anjali A. Sarkar, PhD
Healthy Wealthy Wise

Scientist-artist-writer-yogi exploring truth and simplicity at the crossroads of science, art and philosophy.