Hand Two

Reflections on the fine art of balance in writing and yoga.

Anjali A. Sarkar, PhD
Healthy Wealthy Wise
4 min readNov 17, 2020


Photo by Malin K. on Unsplash

Yesterday I attended an advanced yoga class. It felt good during and right afterwards but this morning my right shoulder feels a bit sore. That is to be expected says my teacher. As long as the soreness goes away by the time I’m in the next class, I am doing good.

Yoga and writing on the page make me feel grounded. There’s a certain peace in writing longhand. I am back to practicing freewriting where the only rule is that I cannot stop to think. I must keep writing until I’m at the end of three pages. Sometimes I am at the end of the third page but I forget how many pages I’ve written and suspecting I’m still on the second, I write a fourth page just to be safe.

Sometimes I cheat and pause to take a sip from my teacup. It’s really more of a mug than a cup, size wise. But I like to be respectful, particularly about things I depend on for daily sustenance.

Perhaps I should start writing only after I finish drinking my tea but that wastes time. That’s because when I try to finish my tea before my free writing sessions, I tend to get back to the book I’m reading. And once I’m into the book I’m reading, I keep postponing the writing session until I’ve run out of time. So, on the whole, it does not work for me.



Anjali A. Sarkar, PhD
Healthy Wealthy Wise

Scientist-artist-writer-yogi exploring truth and simplicity at the crossroads of science, art and philosophy. sarkaraa@gmail.com