How CRE and FM can Change the Game

IJk van Hattum
Healthy Workers
Published in
4 min readMar 28, 2018

What if we told you that Commercial Real Estate (CRE) and Facility Management (FM) can change the game of talent attraction and retention? Creating the optimal work environment is a major challenge for companies, and often remains a fruitless attempt. To fight in the “war for talent” the optimal work environment should be a priority for every organisation, and CRE and FM play a vital role.

Keeping up in the changing world of work

CRE and FM need to make a change if they want to keep up in the fast-changing world of work. While companies are shifting their focus from cost saving to revenue-generating workspaces, office buildings and facility services are often still viewed as expenses that should be cut back on. With the help of Healthy Workers they can change this!

The optimal work environment

Companies are simply in the dark when it comes to identifying the investments that drive their strategic agenda. Large amounts of money are spent on all kinds of interventions, without any idea of their effectiveness or return on investment(ROI). But companies can’t afford to not invest in the work environment. The physical workplace can be a powerful tool to improve happiness, health and productivity at work.

Companies are in the dark when it comes to ROI and measuring effectiveness of investments.

Various studies, such as the extensive research by the University of Twente and CBRE, confirmed the relationship between people’s working environments and their health, well-being and performance. Stressors, such as bad air quality, thermal discomfort, and noise can keep impair productivity and affect physical and mental health of employees. And there’s a lot to be gained here… A recent study found that about 70% of employees worldwide feel less than satisfied with their work environment!

Focus on the people

If companies want to get the most out of their employees and retain their talent, the employee experience at their organisation needs to be good. Thanks to the internet everyone can get an idea of what its like to work at companies such as Facebook, Yahoo! and Google. And they have raised the bar. People nowadays know what is possible and what they want. And that is not just a pay-check. People want a workplace where they feel energised, healthy, productive, and engaged.

“Organisations […] try to truly create environments where people want to show up to work” Jacob Morgan, The Employee Experience Advantage.

The people might know what they want, but most organisations have yet no clue how to provide it. Okay, its clear that office heroes aren’t interested in spending their workdays in a chaos of cubicles. And those with great potential won’t reach it during soul-crushing hours under fluorescent lighting. But that’s not enough…

Companies need to gain insight in the best possible services and office transformations that allow their current and future employees to do their best work. To truly create the optimal work environment organisations need to make strategic, people-related decisions. And this is where Healthy Workers steps in!

Go for the tailor made and data-driven

There is no cookie-cutter approach to creating workspaces that benefit organisations and their workforce. We think data-driven workplace interventions are the solution.

Healthy Workers committed themselves to developing the first data integration platform for HR and CRE in which workplace and people analytics are combined.We make it possible for companies to take data-driven and strategic decisions to create a tailor made work environment that benefits their employees, their talent strategy and company productivity.

We believe that CRE and FM can create offices that drive their customer’s strategic agenda, by putting the employees center stage.

Using climate sensors and our people analytics app we collect objective and subjective data in the work environment. By continuous monitoring factors in the physical work environment (such as noise, air quality, lighting), employee satisfaction, and employee performance, Healthy Workers identifies workplace stressors and unmet employee needs.

We provide insight into the impact of the physical work environment on various metrics, such as absenteeism, retention, and engagement. Based on these insights we help organisations choose the best possible office interventions that match the company goals and the needs of their employees. By monitoring the data in the Healthy Workers stakeholders’ dashboard, companies gain insight into the effectiveness of the interventions.

Measure the effect of interventions, such as green walls in office. Photo: green wall from Cloud Garden.

We make sure that employees are closely involved and build a sustainable relationship with them. Using various scientifically validated methods, we collect anonymous data from employees. Employees are kept in the loop and receive communication about new interventions, their wellbeing and get the possibility to share feedback. Additionally, employees receive all kinds of content that help promote healthy choices.

Using our app employees can share their anonymous input and view real-time data of their work environment.

So, the future for CRE and FM is far from bleak. We believe, that with the help of Healthy Workers, they can become the value creators companies are looking for.

Together, we can change the game!

Contact us!

We are always keen to connect with people who share our vision and mission. So if you are passionate about healthy working, or want to know more about what we do, then you can send us an email at Note, we are currently only working in the Netherlands (for now… ;)).

