Organic Yoga Clothing — Comfy Attire for a New Way of Living

healthy & stylish
Healthy & Stylish
Published in
2 min readFeb 4, 2017

Yoga helps you feel good about yourself and be comfortable in your own skin. In fact, research shows that this is much more beneficial than any other forms of exercise. Why you ask? Yoga doesn’t just take into account the physical aspect. It takes into consideration your entire spiritual, mental and physical well being. Did you know that yoga originated back in 200 AD in ancient India? Ever since then, it has gained immense popularity all over the world for its countless health benefits. If you’ve made the smart decision of becoming a yogi, well done, you’ve just taken the first step to a healthier lifestyle and to a new you!

But like all other forms of exercise, yoga too requires certain paraphernalia. You will require yoga mats, and not to mention, special yoga clothing. Speaking of yoga clothes, organic cotton apparel seems to be the best option right now. Look at it this way, yoga, especially hot yoga, results in profuse sweating. Naturally, you need something that is light and comfortable. Unless you’re feeling comfy enough, you won’t be able to make the most of your yoga experience and that would be a shame.

The whole journey of yoga makes you take a long, hard look at your lifestyle. It urges you to shop for organic foods and embrace a grounded way of living. Similarly, it is always better to opt for organic yoga clothing given their numerous advantages. These are just some ways in which organic clothing could help you out.

Organic Yoga Clothing - Comfy Attire for a New Way of Living

Benefits of Organic Yoga Clothing

1) Good for Health

Before you laugh it off, you must admit that synthetic clothing contains more toxics and chemicals which could harm your skin. On the other hand, organic clothing would not only go easy on the earth, but would also help you. Going organic would mean sustainable fashion. Moreover, organic clothing is better absorbent than most synthetic garments. Yoga teaches you to care for your body; don’t you think you owe it to yourself?

2) Longer Lasting

Synthetic fibers may be comparatively cheaper to buy, but if you have to buy a whole new set every month, you’re actually spending more money than you should. Instead, you should just purchase organic clothing which lasts longer. Made of organic fibers, these have a longer lifespan than other materials. That makes sense, especially if you’re serious about your yoga.

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