Don’t Do These on an Empty Stomach!

Simple activities that can hurt more than help if you haven’t eaten first

The Ruler
3 min readMar 26, 2024


Image by freepik

Have you ever done something on an empty stomach and later regretted it? You’re not alone!

It turns out that certain activities can do more harm than good when you skip a meal.

Let’s dive into some of these surprising no-nos and find out why it’s better to grab a bite before you start your day.

1. Taking Painkillers

It might seem like a quick fix to pop a painkiller on an empty stomach, but think twice!

Doing this can lead to bleeding in your stomach. Painkillers can be tough on your digestive system, and without food to cushion the impact, they can harm your stomach lining.

Always make sure to eat something before taking medication.

2. Chewing Gum

Who knew that a simple piece of gum could cause trouble? Chewing gum on an empty stomach tricks your body into thinking it’s about to get food.

This can cause your stomach to produce acid, leading to inflammation, known as gastritis. It’s better to chew gum after a meal to avoid this.

3. Drinking Coffee

A morning coffee is a must for many, but drinking it on an empty stomach can cause stomach aches.

Coffee stimulates acid production, which can lead to a burning sensation in your stomach if there’s no food there to absorb it. Try eating breakfast first to keep the burn at bay.

4. Citrus Juice

A glass of fresh orange or lemon juice sounds healthy, right? Well, not on an empty stomach.

Citrus fruits are acidic and can damage your stomach lining if consumed without eating first, leading to serious discomfort. It’s better to drink these juices after you’ve had something to eat.

5. Sleeping

Skipping dinner and heading straight to bed might save time, but it can mess with your sleep.

Your body ends up focusing on how hungry it is instead of settling down for a good night’s rest, leading to sleep disturbances. A light snack before bed can help you sleep more soundly.

6. Exercising

Working out is great, but doing it on an empty stomach can weaken your muscles. Your body might start to use muscle tissue for energy instead of fat, which is the opposite of what many people want.

A small, nutritious snack before exercising can give you the energy you need without weighing you down.


It’s clear that while trying to save time or maybe lose weight, skipping meals can backfire in unexpected ways. The activities we’ve discussed can have negative impacts if done on an empty stomach.

So, next time you’re about to drink a coffee or head out for a run without eating, remember that a small snack can make a big difference.

Eating right helps your body and mind work at their best, so don’t skip those meals!

