The case for an Investment Health Savings Account in one Plot

Carl Hall
1 min readAug 19, 2018


The red points represent spending by females by year. The blue points are men. Men spend a lot less on healthcare. They don’t get pregnant and men are less evolved, so they require less fine tuning. Ok, that was a joke.

If you are a young male or female who does not go to the doctor a lot and do not plan to, you should be enrolled in a qualified high deductible health plan.

Contribute as much as you humanly can and invest the savings balance you won’t need for spending over the next year. In 20–30 years you may have your entire retirement healthcare spending obligation funded.

While HSAs have existed for years, consumers are still in the dark about how they work and why they are so powerful. Banks are the largest HSA custodian group and they profit more on deposits, not investment allocations. So there’s likely a good reason people are still confused.

To learn about the HealthyHive HSA offering visit

