5 Ways To Go Green With Your Pet

Healthy Pets
Published in
2 min readFeb 11, 2019

April 22th 2018 was Earth Day. We love that there is an entire day devoted to environmental protection, but we at Healthy Pets like to be mindful of our planet’s well-being throughout the year. With that in mind, we have compiled the following list of 5 ways to reduce your pets carbon ‘paw print’.

1. Be Wary Of The Pet Products You Purchase

Avoid products that contain harmful plastics like vinyl, phthalates, or BPA. These products contain dangerous toxins for your pet, and are harmful to the planet once disposed. Shampoos and conditioners, collars, leashes and beds made from hemp or organic cotton are eco-friendly options available to pet parents. Shop 100% natural dog care products here!

2. Protect Wildlife

Keep your cats indoors! Domestic cats kill anywhere between 100–350 million wild birds and mammals PER YEAR! Click here to learn more about keeping cats indoors.

3. Be Poop Savvy

Pick up after your pets, regardless of where they do their business. A medium sized dog is responsible for an average of 275 lbs of poop per year! With approximately 6 million dogs calling Canada home, there is a lot of waste entering our soil and water systems. Using biodegradable poop bags is a great option as they only take a few months to decompose. The go-to plastic grocery bag can take hundreds!

4. Feed Your Pet Thoughtfully

Protect habitats and water by buying organic, sustainable, and free-range pet foods. Did you know you can buy in bulk? You will be using less packaging, which contributes less to landfills and decreases pollution emissions thanks to fewer drives to the store.

5. Be Conscious Of What You Throw In The Trash

When thrown in the trash or flushed down the toilet, old medications and treatments contribute to pollution and are potentially harmful to the environment. Many humane societies and rescue groups will gladly accept used medications as donations for their rescue animals.

If you’re interested in learning more about how you can contribute to a cleaner, greener planet, click here to speak with a veterinarian near you!



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