Go to HealthyStreetLab@ShamShuiPo
今年三月至七月,我們成立一隊由市民和運輸署工程師組成的實驗室團隊,在深水埗進行一系列社區探索,了解街坊的道路使用習慣和對易行街區的想像。期望通過公眾參與及創新街頭實驗,提出以行人為本的道路設計及規劃建議,務求令市民享受在街上行多幾步!The Healthy Street Lab is assembling a lab team of citizens and engineers from the Transport Department to create walkability experiments in Sham Shui Po.
Note from the editor

今年三月至七月,我們成立一隊由市民和運輸署工程師組成的實驗室團隊,在深水埗進行一系列社區探索,了解街坊的道路使用習慣和對易行街區的想像。期望通過公眾參與及創新街頭實驗,提出以行人為本的道路設計及規劃建議,務求令市民享受在街上行多幾步!The Healthy Street Lab is assembling a lab team of citizens and engineers from the Transport Department to create walkability experiments in Sham Shui Po.

Go to the profile of Ariel Lo
Go to the profile of MaD Social Lab
MaD Social Lab
香港首個民間發起專注公營服務創新的實驗室。與政府部門合作,透過社區參與、設計思維及共創實驗,致力與公務員及市民共同設計公營服務及政策。過往項目包括創新街道、公園及圖書館。A community-initiated public services innovation lab based in Hong Kong
Go to the profile of Loretta Ho
Loretta Ho
a cultural practitioner based in Hong Kong
Go to the profile of Rachel Yan
Go to the profile of Allie Kwong
Go to the profile of 站在分水嶺前
二十四歲時,我為三十歲作好準備,以為那是人生一道重要的分水嶺。待跨過以後,才曉得更多未知在前頭; 看不到,觸不著,一步一驚心。
Go to the profile of Loretta Ho
Go to the profile of Jeffrey Kwong
Go to the profile of Christine Cheung
Go to the profile of Hermion Au
Go to the profile of Yuk Sze Ng
Go to the profile of Angus Chan
Go to the profile of Tommy Shum
Go to the profile of Kenneth Leong
Go to the profile of Helen Leung
Go to the profile of Kamwa Chowkamwa
Go to the profile of Raymond Ngan
Go to the profile of Eva Leung
Go to the profile of Douglas Tsui
Go to the profile of Regan Lam
Go to the profile of Hugo Ng
Go to the profile of Vivian Lee
Go to the profile of Ng June
Go to the profile of Raymond LI
Go to the profile of Theresa Lee
Go to the profile of MC
Go to the profile of Kiwanis Lam