Three ways to prevent lockdown anxiety

Aki Ranin
Published in
8 min readMay 26, 2020


Depending on where you live, the lockdowns have been enforced for several months by now. Besides the simple cabin fever of being at home and disconnected from our normal social networks, there is the uncertainty about jobs, the economy, and when treatments and vaccines might be available. Here are three methods you can use daily to fight back the COVID-19 related lockdown anxiety: breathing exercises, mindfulness meditation, and of course exercise such as home workouts.

#1: Breathing Exercises

Breathing is a vital part of human life. It is the only bodily function under both autonomous and voluntary control. This means the process of inhaling air into our lungs and exhaling it is controlled by your body’s autonomic nervous system and therefore does not require active thinking or conscious effort from you — yet you are able to step in and control your breathing whenever you like.

Breathing can be done anywhere, anytime. Well, we actually do it literally all the time, but taking a moment of conscious deep breathing can make change your mental state in a moment. Photo by sean Kong on Unsplash

Regular deep breathing helps us manage our stress levels as it allows us to consciously trigger our parasympathetic nervous system, switching our body to “rest and digest” mode. The physical processes taking place in a “rest and digest” mode are designed to maintain your long-term health, improve your digestion, conserve energy, and maintain a healthy balance in your body’s systems.



Aki Ranin

Thinks about the future a lot. Founder of two startups. Lives in Singapore.