Struggling to lose Weight? Try Strength Training

Zunaira Fawad
Published in
3 min readFeb 20, 2019

Being over-weight can be hard. Extra weight not only disrupts mobility, it is also a precursor of obesity. Recently, a study known as the Global Disease Burden study was published in The Lancet Journal. According to this country, Pakistan is the 9th country with most obese people among 188 other countries.

With obesity on the rise, multiple diet and exercise plans are circling around. People struggling with weight are often desperate. They are ready to try the most drastic of diet plans. Some even starve themselves or purge after eating. All these drastic measures are unhealthy and do not bring any long term results.

If you have been struggling to lose weight strength training might just be the answer for you. Strength training refers to a set of exercises which use weights as a means to produce muscle contraction. As a result the muscles and bones gain strength.

Strength training has also shown excellent results in terms of weight loss. A study conducted by a Brazilian university, shows that strength training can be a collaborative factor in weight loss if paired with aerobic exercises. The study also revealed that interval strength training was most beneficial for long term weight loss.

Here are 3 reasons, why strength training is ideal for weight loss.

1. Insulin sensitivity

The generally accepted idea is that one will lose weight if more calories are burnt than they are consumed. The reality is that weight loss is much more complex than that. A lot of factors are at play. One element of weight loss is insulin sensitivity. Strength training has a positive impact on insulin sensitivity and thus it encourages rapid weight loss. But how is insulin sensitivity linked to weight loss?

According to Munazza Mehboob, who is a nutritionist in Lahore, the reason that insulin is central to weight loss is because it plays a very important role in controlling metabolic rate.

Insulin sensitivity refers to the amount of insulin the body needs to manage carbohydrates. When insulin sensitivity is at a required rate, the body can utilize carbohydrates for energy at a maximum level. As a result, less sugar is stored as fat and body weight is lost. Low inulin sensitivity means a lower metabolic rate. Lower metabolic rates mean high fat storage percentage and weight gain.

Strength training is known to build muscles. The more muscles you have in your body, the more insulin sensitive it will become and will lose weight at a rapid pace. Strength training is thus a sure way for effective weight loss.

2. Metabolism boost

Cardio workouts have been accepted as number one for a metabolism boost. The spot is however not very well deserved. Cardio exercises do increase metabolic rate but this boost is temporary. Calories are lost but only during the workout. Strength training stimulates the metabolism in a more efficient way. The body keeps burning calories even after the workout finishes.

Pure cardio workouts also lead to lean muscle lost which may even slow down the metabolism in some cases. It is thus important to warm up with cardio and then move to strength training if you are looking for long term results.

3. The HIIT

HIIT refers to high intensity interval training. HIIT is a cardio workout that has short intervals of intense anaerobic workouts. There are also alternating recovery periods. HIIT can be even more helpful with weights. Strength training exercises during recovery periods can make your metabolism twice as fast.

As a bonus you will also build muscle which improves fat to muscle ratio and makes you look thin. HIIT also builds athletic stamina. This means that you will be able to exercise more. As a result, you will be burning more calories and losing weight.

Strength training is a gradual process and requires commitment. It brings excellent long term results but is also a very exhaustive workout. People who are just starting out can only do it under professional supervision. In cases where a medical condition such as diabetes or arthritis is involved it is important to find a doctor before starting any strength training.

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