17 Reasons Why I Married Her

Getting it right the second time.

Liam MacAdam
Heart Affairs
Published in
7 min readDec 1, 2020


(Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexel.com)

When I left my first marriage, I immediately started a new relationship. This was exactly what I’d always told myself I wouldn’t do.

In the quarter-century since I got married as a young man, a fabulous scientific invention had been birthed into the world. No, I’m not talking about the Hubble Space Telescope or the Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland, but something more revolutionary.

Online dating.

Sure, getting a better look at our solar system’s exo-planets and identifying the Higgs Boson have been important, but nothing is more significant to our lives than our intimate relationships. To me, online dating seemed like a dream come true, a scientific approach to a process that previously relied purely on chance.

Imagine if you knew that woman you briefly locked eyes with in the elevator yesterday was actually looking for someone like you? In real life, there would be no way of knowing.

Only a pick-up artist with James Bond-like skills could pull off that move. But if you bumped into her on Match.com, you could read all about her opinions and passions and relationship objectives. Her availability would be a given by virtue of being on the site.



Liam MacAdam
Heart Affairs

Liam MacAdam is the male half of the couple responsible for the Monogamish Marriage blog. You can e-mail him at TheMonogamishMarriage@gmail.com