21 Things To Quit for a Better Sex Life

Sometimes winning starts with quitting.

Christopher Kokoski
Heart Affairs
Published in
9 min readDec 23, 2021


Woman holding finger to her face — 21 Things To Quit for a Better Sex Life
Image by Author via Canva

There are tons of articles about what to do to improve your love life — but addition doesn’t always solve sex problems.

I learned that the hard way after my divorce.

Old habits, faulty thought patterns, lingering anxieties — so many other things needed to go.

Often it’s what you subtract that ultimately makes your love life more satisfying. In fact, sometimes the best addition is subtraction (I never was very good at math).

Here are 21 things you need to quit for a better sex life.

1) Comparing Your Love Life to Others

It’s natural to want to compare your relationship to others, but it’s not healthy. When you’re constantly comparing, you’re never truly satisfied (especially in the bedroom).

You and your partner developed a unique relationship.

Comparing your physical connection to past partners or other couples is unfair and unrealistic.

It only drags past baggage into your love life. Every sexual partner is the same and every sexual partner is inherently different. Comparing one to the other is not just comparing apples with oranges, it’s comparing apples…



Christopher Kokoski
Heart Affairs

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