3 Reasons Why My Girlfriend and I Don’t Fight When We Travel

I’m confident saying this on day three of a 15-day trip.

Rocco Pendola
Published in
6 min readSep 10, 2021


Source: Author

I’m taking a risk, writing this article in early August and scheduling it to publish in September, on day three of the two-country, at least four-city, 15-day trip my girlfriend and I are taking through the northeast United States and Southern Ontario, Canada.

As I noted in articles that posted on days one and two of this trip, I did a bunch of work ahead of time so I’d be effectively making money while traveling even though I’m not working.

This, along with a low cost of living, are the foundational elements for most of us if we want to generate “passive” (actually enduring) income and live a semi-retired life.

Anyhow, it’s risky because maybe we will get into or be in a fight, now. Or before now. Plus, to this point in our partnership, we have only taken 2-to-4 day trips.

Maybe the length of this one will wear on us?

I’m confident enough that we’ll be better than fine — we’ll be great! — that I’m not hesitating the least bit as I write this.

The reasons why probably have to do with deeper and more fundamental aspects of our relationship than I outline here, but what follows in this article…

