4 Toxic Relationship Myths We All Keep Falling For

Me, included.

Christopher Kokoski
Published in
5 min readMar 4, 2022


Glowing green beaker with toxic symbols on it — 4 Toxic Relationship Myths We All Keep Falling For
Image by Author via Canva

There are so many myths about relationships that it’s hard to know what’s true and what’s not. Some of the most common myths are seriously toxic — but we keep falling for them anyway.

It’s time to look at our toxic patterns squarely in the eye and say, “Enough!”

Here are 4 toxic relationship myths for you and me to stop immediately.

We deserve it.

Toxic Myth #1: If You Love Someone, You Should Stay With Them No Matter How Bad Things Get

This is a widely held relationship myth but ultimately a false belief. It is also one of the most toxic myths out there. It’s a lie that tells you to stay in an abusive relationship because “you deserve it” or “love means never having to say sorry.”

But when you believe this myth, you are really telling yourself that you are not worth anything unless you are in a relationship. And that is definitely not true.

You deserve to be happy and in a healthy relationship — not one that makes you feel bad about yourself.

Why we keep falling for this myth anyway: We want to think that our love is strong enough to overcome anything. We also want to think…



Christopher Kokoski

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