5 Shocking Truths About Dick Pics

These facts will drive you nuts!

Julia Appa
Published in
4 min readMar 18, 2021


image via freepik

To send or not to send? seems to be a pressing question among men who just took a picture of their dick. More often than not, these pictures are sent to a woman.

According to the 2016 Singles in America Survey, which surveyed more than 5,500 Americans, 47% of the men who participated admitted they have sent at least one dick pic in their lives.

While dick pics can certainly be arousing if they were requested, an unsolicited dick pic isn’t wanted and can be prosecuted because it is sexual harassment. That being said, the study found that 49% of women had received at least one unsolicited dick pic.

This begs the question…what makes men want to send both solicited and unsolicited dick pics in the first place?

1. Men project their own sexual desires onto women.

Men are often clueless when it comes to what women want. They assume that women would like to receive a picture of their penis because they like to receive naked pictures of women.

Clinical psychologist David Ley states:

“It’s most likely that this behavior represents an aspect of men’s misperception of female sexual interest. Men love the idea of receiving such…



Julia Appa
Heart Affairs

Just a 23-year-old who’s obsessed with writing. Instagram: juliaminus_romeo