53 Sneaky Red Flags That Your Man Is Cheating on You

Not every man cheats. It’s time to catch the ones that do.

Christopher Kokoski
Published in
18 min readJan 8, 2021


Cartoon cat with a red flag and thought bubble for my article on 53 Sneaky Red Flags That Your Man Is Cheating on You
Image by Author via Canva

Even the best of us get blindsided.

Sometimes your prince charming is really a parasite in disguise. If you pay attention, you’ll see the red flags that prove that your man is cheating on you.

But first, you have to know what to look for — some of the signs are obvious, others more subtle. Almost all of them come rooted in rock-solid science. In this article, you’ll learn the 53 sneaky red flags that your man is cheating on you.

According to a study that involved 441 participants, approximately half (46.1%) of people admitted to cheating. Surprisingly, respondents were more honest about cheating by sleeping with someone else than cheating by kissing.

Not every man cheats. It’s time to catch the ones that do.

Since this is a long list, I’m going to dive right into the signs. Consider this your master class of cheating red flags.

“Finding patterns is the essence of wisdom.” — Dennis Prager

1. His Friends Cheat

Turns out that the phrase “birds of a feather flock together” is based on science. A 2016 study



Christopher Kokoski

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