7 Practical Tips To Heal From Breakup Rejection

How to recover from this multilayered rejection.

Crystal Jackson
Published in
10 min readOct 31, 2023


Photo by Darius Bashar on Unsplash

No one talks about how the worst part of any breakup is the crushing sense of rejection. Or maybe it’s just me. When you have a history of abandonment issues and an anxious attachment style, rejection sensitivity is already a problem. To compound it with the finality of a breakup is excruciating.

When someone breaks up with us, the rejection is multilayered. We’re being rejected as a life partner, a lover, and a friend. What’s worse is that the feeling doesn’t hit all at once. It’s those little moments of realizing that this person is okay if we date someone else and likely is interested in dating other people. This person is willing to lose us — as both friend and lover, to never see or speak to us again, and to never again wake up with our face on the opposite pillow. The feeling of rejection intensifies with each realization and can become all-consuming.

It doesn’t matter if we’re normally rational human beings. We’re innately driven to connect, and when a connection is severed, it hurts as much as any physical pain. The rejection aspect of the breakup doesn’t just bruise the ego; it also attacks our sense of self-worth, which can be amplified if we’ve had to recover from prior grief and loss.

