7 Things Men Do When They Are Really Into a Lady

7 Signs He’s Totally Crazy About You (Even If He Won’t Admit It)

Samy sky-Love & Wellness
Heart Affairs
Published in
5 min readMay 6, 2024


Photo by Shardar Tarikul Islam on Unsplash

Ladies, let’s talk about the age-old question. How do you know if that special man is truly into you? It’s a question that’s kept lots ladies guessing since the dawn of time.

The whole “Is he into me or not?” thing is like the universe's biggest mystery.

I’m about to reveal the seven signs that’ll make you know he’s head-over-heels. Even if he’s too stubborn, or scared to say it out loud.

1. His Eyes Can’t Go Away From You.

Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

A guy can never take his eyes off a woman who has captivated him. His gaze will be glued to you, he’ll be constantly scanning your face and focusing on you. It’s like you’ve got this gravitational pull that he’s powerless to resist.

And let me tell you that those lingering looks are a dead giveaway. If you catch him staring at you regularly, then chances are he’s already lost in a fantasy where the two of you ride off into the sunset.

2. He Always Shows Up …A Lot

Photo by René Ranisch on Unsplash

You may be thinking, “Yeah, right, he’s just being friendly.” But trust me when I say this; if a guy is really into you, he’ll go out of his way just to see you.

it could be volunteering to help you with a project, or randomly showing up where you happen to be, and casually inviting you to grab a coffee. He’s making moves. It’s his not-so-subtle way of trying to get you all to himself.

3. He Remembers the Smallest Details

Photo by Shardar Tarikul Islam on Unsplash

You know those random little things you casually mention, like your favorite ice cream flavor. Or that hilarious story about your crazy aunt? If this guy is into you, he’s going to file that information away and use it to his advantage.

He’ll surprise you with that specialty ice cream, or bring up your aunt’s antics just to make you laugh. It’s his way of showing you that you’re on his mind and that he’s been paying attention.

4. He Gets Uncharacteristically Nervous

Photo by Andrew Rivera on Unsplash

Confidence is a majorly attractive quality. But when a guy is genuinely smitten, all that self-assurance can kind of go out the window.

He might start stumbling over his words, fumbling with his hands, or even blushing like a schoolboy. It’s his body’s way of betraying the fact that you’ve got him all in a tizzy. And ladies, that nervous energy is actually super endearing.

5. He Goes the Extra Mile

Photo by The Paris Photographer on Unsplash

A man who really wants you will pull out all the stops to impress you. We’re talking about going above and beyond, whether it’s planning an elaborate date night, remembering every little thing you’ve ever mentioned, or just generally showering you with attention and affection.

He wants to prove to you that he’s worth your time and affection, so he’ll spare no effort to win you over.

6. He’s Always Finding Excuses to Chat

Photo by Tibor Pápai on Unsplash

You know that guy who’s suddenly striking up conversations about the weather or that big presentation you’re working on? Yep, that’s our smitten Romeo right there.

He’s desperately looking for any opportunity to engage with you. Even if it’s about the most mundane topics imaginable. It’s his way of trying to keep the lines of communication open and hopefully forge a deeper connection.

7. He Gets Weirdly Protective

Photo by Mindy Sabiston on Unsplash

When a guy is madly into you, his inner caveman is going to start to emerge. He might get a little territorial, subtly (or not-so-subtly) trying to ward off any potential competitors.

Or he might get weirdly overprotective, making sure you get home safe or offering to carry your heavy bags. It’s his primal way of saying, “This one’s mine!”

Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

Okay, here’s the big question “But how do I get him to admit it?” That’s a whole other topic. Some guys are just plain terrified of vulnerability, and they’ll go to great lengths to avoid revealing their feelings. But the good news is that these signs above don’t lie.

If he’s showing even a few of these behaviors, chances are he’s got a major crush on you, even if he’s too chicken to say it out loud.

If he can’t say it, don’t be afraid to give him a little nudge in the right direction. After all, the thrill of the chase is half the fun. Plus you never know, he might just surprise you and work up the courage to make a real move.

Keep those eyes peeled for the signs of a smitten suitor. Who knows if you might just find yourself with a bonafide admirer. Cheers.

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Samy sky-Love & Wellness
Heart Affairs

Learning never ends, so I love learning and sharing the knowledge that I have throughout my journey. Support me on https://buymeacoffee.com/kingsamy