8 Notable Green Flag Qualities in Potential Partners

If you see these, you’ve got a keeper.

Crystal Jackson
Published in
4 min readJan 10, 2024


Photo by Amir Seilsepour on Unsplash

I could go on at length about the poor characteristics I see in the dating market and how frustrating they are. But we’ve covered that time and again. It gets to the point that if we only focus on the bad, we don’t often see the good — and there is plenty of good out there.

I used to assign that as a therapy exercise when I was a family therapist. I would tell children to watch out for the good things their parents did during the week and jot them down. The parents did the same. They were both told it was a top-secret assignment. At the next session, we would compare notes. They were always surprised by how much good they found in each other when they were looking for it.

8 Green Flag Characteristics to Look For

In dating, we can take this to extremes. We can only look for the good and miss out on the warning signs. Or we can only look for the bad and miss out on truly good potential partners. So, let’s talk about some green flag characteristics of a strong potential partner.

1. Kindness

I can not say enough about the importance of having a kind partner. Watch how they treat waitstaff and the people in the service industry. How…

