Dating Apps Don’t Suck. You Do.

It isn’t all about looks.

The Wife
Published in
4 min readFeb 17, 2023


Photo by Alexander Sinn on Unsplash

Despite my strong, independent women status, I have been putting myself out there for the past year on dating apps. I’ve tried most of them, and have had many first dates, a few second dates, and a couple of short relationship-type things.

Alas, for reasons I am working to deconstruct (or perhaps only the universe knows), I am yet to meet someone who I vibe with enough, and they are with me, to really make a go of things.

So, I have spent more hours than I care to calculate scrolling profiles, sending likes, and kicking off a conversation with ‘Hey! How’s the week been treating you? What’s been the highlight so far?’

Now, I should be clear that my approach with dating apps is to pay for the premium service and then wait and see who likes me. I then use that pool to create a match if I think there is one. This is because I am the kind of person who needs the invitation to do anything in life — I will rarely jump into anything cold without at least reading the room first. And that is incredibly hard to do with a couple of poorly-framed photos and a list of vitals. So with that in mind, please take my opinion here with a grain of salt.

What I see time and time again (and what I hear when I start chatting with people) is how bad/toxic/exhausting…



The Wife
Heart Affairs

AKA Evie Gray. Recovering former wife. Fierce, loyal, smarter than you think.