He’s Just Not That Into You
How many times do you need to hear it?
I stopped in a Chipotle yesterday to grab a bite for the hubs and me, and while waiting for my order, I overheard a woman behind me talking on her phone.
She didn’t have the caller on speaker, thank goodness, but from her side of the convo, it was obvious that she was talking to another woman, and they were discussing a man.
“So, when did you text him…what time yesterday…maybe he left his phone in the car…well maybe he’s busy at work today…he hasn’t had a chance to call you yet…give him some time…
It took everything I had not to slap the phone right out of her hand.
How many ways does this have to be said? How many movies and TV series do we need to make this point once and for all?
If you have to guess about a man’s feelings for you, as Carrie’s friend Berger said in the series Sex And The City —
“He’s just not that into you.”
Let’s go over the facts again
If he hasn’t called you, and he’s made no effort to see you, he’s just not that into you.
If you have a date and he doesn’t show and doesn’t call, but sends you a short text some hours later, he’s just not that into you.