How I Finally Convinced My Husband To Divorce Me In Peace

You want to leave but they want to stay.

Jenn M. Wilson
Published in
8 min readMar 18, 2021


Photo by Vladimir Fedotov on Unsplash

No one tells you that divorce isn’t a one-time event. It’s an ongoing rollercoaster. When does it end? (Shrug.) Who the heck knows?

I always thought long, drawn-out divorces were for the rich. I don’t own a business, my quasi-ex-husband Joseph isn’t fighting for the summer house in the Hamptons, and I’m not pushing to get extra custody of the kids.

We’re everyone’s wet dream of a divorce. It should have been easy.

Instead, everything went to hell courtesy of Covid and his unwillingness to split up. I don’t know why he was so shocked. We never had sex, he was caught going to massage parlors for “happy endings”, and with his commute, we never saw each other except on weekends. We spent a fortune on marriage counselors.

When I told him last summer that I was done, he didn’t take it well. I agreed to try a Parenting Marriage (where we remain as “coworkers” to keep raising our kids under one roof) but then you’re still stuck with the same crap that made you unhappy in the marriage in the first place. Then I agreed to Nesting (where the parents rotate out of the house and the kids stay) but I realized, that’s absurd; I don’t want to maintain two properties with someone I can’t get…



Jenn M. Wilson
Heart Affairs

My midlife crisis and adventures along the way. I write because in real life my humor is allegedly too sarcastic and inappropriate.