How Our Parents' Toxicity and Manipulations Affect Our Relationships as Adults?

Our parents' behavior may affect us more than we expect.

Joanna Henderson
Heart Affairs
Published in
7 min readDec 13, 2022


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The way our parents raise us dictates who we grow into as adults. Often, our parents' behaviors affect us majorly too. I suspect that nearly every person has certain traumas related to their parents, and some specialists believe that all our traumas come from our childhood.

Having a manipulative parent isn't great. You know they may pop up anytime with a new manipulation, leaving you uneasy and upset. I, as someone with not very manipulative parents, consider myself lucky. But the stories I hear can be devastating.

My close friend Iris has an extremely manipulative mother who grew up with immense guilt and constantly cultivated that feeling. As an adult, Iris realized how unfair it was and how her mother's behavior negatively affected her relationships.

This is what happens when your parent is a manipulator.

"You Don't Care About Your Mother!"

Iris shared the conversation she had with her mom in our girls' chat. She went away for a few days, informed her mom immediately, and got an angry message when she didn't report to her when she came home. Iris is 26 and lives…



Joanna Henderson
Heart Affairs

Canadian. Mental health activist. Banker and financier who drinks too much coffee. Pursuing happiness and sharing my thoughts with others.