I Am Starving

To be held and touched.

Wistful writer
Published in
3 min readNov 13, 2020


Photo by Claudia Soraya on Unsplash

He was standing on the porch of his guesthouse. I emerged from the cab and ran straight into his open arms…..

His arms closed around me… I was home.

I locked my arms around him and nuzzled my head into his chest. He stroked my hair with one hand and the other wrapped around my waist.

Not a care in the world…

This was a long time ago…

Now…I am starving.

I don't hug anymore, in fact, I am afraid of them. I secretly fantasize more about hugs and affection than I do of sex.

Skin hunger is a thing. Teresa J Conway told me about it.

It's the deep hunger and aching desire to have physical contact with another person.

When we are born, touch is the first sense we experience and develop. A baby feels the love of her mother through her touch only. There are no words then…

It's a shame that as we grow, society and sometimes our own mental and emotional issues condition us to forget and forbid this very basic need…resulting in unhappy and unfulfilled relationships.

Creating famished people… like me.

The power of touch is unexplainable. Touch heals, it reduces stress and provides emotional…



Wistful writer
Heart Affairs

Romantic, reader, emotional fool, artist, life has taught me to let go, what I am isn’t what I chose to be, it's what life made me. wistfulwriter@writeme.com