I Give My Ridiculously Clueless Ex-Husband Dating Advice

I want him to be happy with someone new so he’ll be a better dad for our kids.

Elle Silver
Published in
5 min readJun 13, 2021


Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko from Pexels

My ex-husband gets especially confused when the women he meets on dating apps tell him there just isn’t “chemistry” between them.

“What do they mean by that?” he asks.

I explain how chemistry is the way people connect on an intangible level. It’s something you can’t put your finger on.

Either you have a connection or you don’t. There’s no way to force it.

Clearly, I once had chemistry with my ex. Why else did we get married?

But we also got divorced.

One thing that drove us apart is my ex is too logical. He believes you can force chemistry. You can’t.

But why am I having this conversation with my ex in the first place, you ask? Let me explain.

I have several reasons for talking out my ex-husband’s dating life with him. I believe he’ll be happier when he’s finally in a stable relationship again. If he’s happy, then that’s best for our kids.

The problem is my ex is a little thick. Why else is he having trouble finding a new girlfriend?



Elle Silver
Heart Affairs

L.A.-based writer. It's all about ME! Reluctant health advocate. Self-proclaimed relationship expert. Please, don't take my advice.