“I’m Staying For The Kids”

And other copouts in adultery

Published in
4 min readMay 11, 2021


Caleb Oquendo from Pexels

“I’m staying for the kids.” I’ve said it. You’ve said it. It’s true. It’s a lie. It’s both.

The rationale for affairs is easy to come by, and the kids are the BEST excuse. They are cute and cuddly, and you would “do anything for them.” Everyone understands the kids’ argument.

Let’s say you met “the one” and wonder why they don’t abandon their three kids to run away with you. You and he are perfect together! It’s either:

a) You don’t have children and can’t empathize
b) You do have children, and you don’t care about their well-being
c) You do have children, and you wrack your brain at this impossible scenario (which is 99% of us)

Not being a full-time parent (in case of a divorce) sobers most of us right up. We can’t just keep chasing waterfalls á la TLC. Scrapping everything for hot sex and new relationship energy.

Demolishing your kid’s lives seems supremely selfish.

And then there’s the other side. “They need to see happy parents.” Kids will imitate the relationships they’ve seen. I know I think my son will believe his parents sitting in separate rooms is normal. Never touching is normal. Negative comments…




Adultery 101. Dead Bedrooms. Sex out of network. I am terrible and human. So are you. Editor of The Scarlett Letter | P.S. I Hate You | Sexpressions.